Stairs - How do they work?

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Stairs - How do they work?

Post by jinxology »

I'm a little confused as to how the stairs work in terms of mapping. I may be needing to go back and revise earlier maps, but when I hit stairs, I assumed it moved you both forward and down/up. However, I'm encountering a situation that makes it appear as only moving me down/up on the tile that triggers the transition, but not forward.

In other words, do "stairs" occupy 2 spaces on the map (meta/data-wise), or just 1? Visually, they seem to take up 2, maybe even 3. When I hit stairs, and I go down a level, have I move forward + down, or just down?
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Re: Stairs - How do they work?

Post by HeavyMetalMonk »

They just take up one, and move you up/down as you said.
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Re: Stairs - How do they work?

Post by jinxology »

Cool, thanks for verifying. Now I can map with confidence :D
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Re: Stairs - How do they work?

Post by HeavyMetalMonk »

No problem, I know that feeling of uncertainty.

It'll also help alot if anyone who wasn't already aware is planning out dungeons for the editor already, lol
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Re: Stairs - How do they work?

Post by Horrorscope »

"Stairs - How do they work? " - Just reading that I couldn't help but laugh.
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