[SOLVED] Blender/GMT/Model Issue

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[SOLVED] Blender/GMT/Model Issue

Post by Hyperbog »

Hey guys. I'm a complete beginner to all of this. Been watching Skugg's tutorials and various blender tutorials to get acquainted with this whole process. I do have a specific issue though. I'm modifying the dungeon_stairs_down.obj file to have nothing but the stairs left. This is incredibly easy to do in blender, assuming I'm doing this correctly, by just deleting the objects (Walls, pillairs) and leaving only the stairs. Here's what I get in-game once I import the asset and place the stairs in my dungeon:


I feel like I missing some simple step here, and the black tile before the stairs even begins is stumping me. I also would like to manipulate the model so I can keep at least some of the wall texture below the floor tile, but right now I just want to remedy the black tile issue. Any thoughts?
Last edited by Hyperbog on Sat Jan 30, 2016 8:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Blender/GMT/Model Issue

Post by minmay »

It has nothing to do with the model. StairsComponent removes the floor in the squares beneath it.
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Re: Blender/GMT/Model Issue

Post by Hyperbog »

I can see that it extends further past and under the tiles after the stairs, but even if I keep the objects surrounding the stairs in the model and just shorten them back a little I still get the giant black tile before the stairs even begin. How is it affecting the tile that precedes it?
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Re: Blender/GMT/Model Issue

Post by minmay »

StairsComponent removes the floor in its own square and in the square in front of it. And it's not a "black tile"; there's just nothing there at all.
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Re: Blender/GMT/Model Issue

Post by Hyperbog »

Would there be any way to modify the stairs model without it removing the tile before it? All I want to do is take away the pillars and walls above the floor tile. If I can keep it underneath that's fine. I just don't want all of the extra modeling above the stairs.
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Re: Blender/GMT/Model Issue

Post by minmay »

Just place the floor object explicitly instead of relying on the tile to do it.
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Re: Blender/GMT/Model Issue

Post by Hyperbog »

What does that mean? Explicitly place the tile? As I stated before I'm new to this. Please provide me with explanations if you could on what you mean. If you know how to remedy this without difficulty I would greatly appreciate a detailed solution.
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Re: Blender/GMT/Model Issue

Post by Sutekh »

Judging by your picture, I'd suggest that the position of the model itself has been altered, possibly by Blender.

When viewing the original stairs model in the GMT, the top step is on the far edge of the 3x3 grid:


Make sure that your model is positioned the same way when viewed in the GMT. If not, then you'll need to move it, either with Blender, or with the GMT itself.
Alternatively, you could offset the model in the object definition, but I always prefer to get the model in the correct place to start with.

Last edited by Sutekh on Mon Sep 05, 2016 10:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Blender/GMT/Model Issue

Post by Hyperbog »

That's awesome you were able to do that. Here's what my model looks like in GMT. Perhaps it's blender? And I too would like to do this the right way. This is all incredibly interesting and enjoyable so I'm eager to learn the proper techniques.


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Re: Blender/GMT/Model Issue

Post by Sutekh »

Well, the top step of your model is certainly on the edge of the grid...
I wonder, could it be that it's simply facing the wrong way? Try rotating it 180 degrees so that the steps go down in the opposite direction. You never know, it could be that easy.
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