thank you for not tearing me to
I know my mod was repetitive.
I'll lower the volume on the cave music and see if I can re-upload the new version. I did raise it to 4, because when I listened to it in the editor it sounded weird, like it was too soft. from the quality of the recording, I guess I overcompensated.
I admit, once I started making this mod, I realize that I limited my own creativity just by virtue of the subject matter that I chose.
the mod was supposed to be a remake of Friday the 13th for the NES. The only enemies in that were zombies, crows, wolves, bats and of course Jason Vorhees and his mother.
I tried my best to adapt it to Grimrock but maybe this was not the best place to do that. and there were zombies in the lake, which I used the zarkons to represent those.
I was originally just going to do it for fun and not even share it. I was actually afraid to share it, and I almost regretted it.
I realized early on as I was writing dialogue for the characters, i had a Scooby Doo vibe going on and I just ran with it.
I thought this idea is so silly, the only way it would work is as a parody.
the toughest part of making this mod was writing the dialogue. I probably went overboard on that.
I would love to make a more classic dungeon, I'm sorry that this one...I had a tough time making the puzzles fit in logically.
sorry for not making enough puzzles.
basically the puzzles are
arts and crafts, the library, the firing range, the archery range, there's a secret in the middle of the lake. and of course the fireplaces.
there's actually a trick to the firing range and the archery range. one of the notes you find mentiones a boy "cheating" to win the contest. as a matter of fact, you could have used your rocks to solve it instead of the arrows. the firing range, I tried to fix it so that only the bullets would work but there is another way, you could also use your rocks to solve that one. I merely put the arrows in there as a joke...originally those kids bows only had 1 attack power but I beefed them up a little to make them viable and also so I could but the slingshot in there, the bow had to be better than a rock at least. the mod had to have arrows in it, because Jason's mother used arrows to kill people in the first movie. The way George was killed , that was one of Jason's mothers kills in the first movie, also the cabin with the bed with the skull on it and the arrow, that was a reference to Kevin Bacon's character and how he was killed...Kevin Bacon does have big nostrils IMO..
I also wanted to see if it was possible to make a custom dungeon that was focused around combat instead of puzzles, but again perhaps this was the wrong game to try that in.
I know there are people who were turned off by the puzzlecentric gameplay of Grimrock. if you look at the steam forum for a game called Fall of The Dungeon Guardians, you will see many posts comparing it (unfairly) to grimrock. some people think it's a grimrock clone, but recognize that game is combat centric with light puzzle elements, and the secret buttons are mostly all in logical places. People are praising it for its "superior" combat claiming they think it is more fun than Grimrock.
I still love Grimrock, I just wanted to do something "different" for my first project.
I was following advice given to me to "start small". I don't think I could have started any "smaller" than this.
I also tried to balance it so that a more "Casual" player someone who is not that good at solving puzzles might be able to get through my mod without too much trouble.
I've seen some of the puzzles in the other mods, and I've been stumped by a good many of them. I did not want to force my players to walk back and forth for 2 hours trying to solve a single puzzle just to progress. although in a way, the entire mod is one big puzzle in and of itself.
I'm also sorry for the long wilderness paths. maybe there was a better way, but I based my map on the map of the camp from the NES game, all the exits on the edges of the map coincide with the exits on the NES game map. I don't know how to connect the exits from the outdoors area except by putting them on the edges of the map. I noticed that in the main campaign, they also utilizes all 32x32 tiles for every outdoors area as well.
the part at the end, where you had to
go back and forth killing Hassen then his mom than back out to kill him again, I realized that was too tedious and I added the shortcut in the cave at the last minute so it would be less annoying, so right after killing his mom and getting the round key, you could take the north east staircase to get to the north east woods with the first "True" encounter with Hassen, and then go back down and kill her for the second time then take the north west staircase to get to the hedge maze to kill him the second time.