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LoG FrameWork

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 5:04 am
by Centauri Soldier
I've seen lots of scripts and projects for modding floating around.

Has there been any effort to push them into one, complete framework as modules?
These modules could be turned on and off as needed for each modding project.

It'd be nice to have all this ingenious code in one place for the modder. Besides, who doesn't love group GitHub projects :P?

What do you all think?

Re: LoG FrameWork

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 1:20 pm
by Drakkan
Centauri Soldier wrote:I've seen lots of scripts and projects for modding floating around.

Has there been any effort to push them into one, complete framework as modules?
These modules could be turned on and off as needed for each modding project.

It'd be nice to have all this ingenious code in one place for the modder. Besides, who doesn't love group GitHub projects :P?

What do you all think?
Speaking of more complicated scripts, in my opinion there are too specific requirements from modders, so there is no reason to creating some frameworks or modules for automatic implementation as usually each level design is original and its using something else.
As for the general scripts and examples there are few threads around which are trying to summary it , unfortunately I do not think it is good enough when searching for something particular.
As for the rest - you still have the scripting reference and asset download available, which is probably the best resource for start.

Re: LoG FrameWork

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 12:49 am
by Centauri Soldier
Fair enough, I guess I'll just post my stuff under its own heading then when I'm ready to do so.