This is the forum for helping you out if you're stuck or if you want to discuss the nitty gritty details of the dungeons within Mount Grimrock. Warning: forum contains spoilers!
Lorebot wrote:Your lists for lvl6 includes a Huntsman's Cloak, but I've been unable to find one on the level. Is it inside the Fighter's Challenge area?
Its on 5 not 6, you will have 2 huntsman cloaks when u reach level 6. Gonna remove that...
Alright, I can stop going in circles then cause I was about to start tearing my hair out XD
If you clocked the amount of secrets there i dont think you need to stay on that level
yeah, the only thing I hadn't found was a Huntsman's Cloak and it was driving me nutty cause it would have been nice to get a 3rd and food is readily available if you farm the snails and I'd gained access to the Save Crystal so I didn't have anything to lose but my sanity by staying there hunting for the cloak...but there was no cloak
Now I've moved on to lvl7 and I'm having fun down there. Once I'm done searching the place out on my own I'll check my inventory against the posted list here and post anything extra I've found and start searching for stuff listed that I missed. I haven't missed a whole lot since lvl3 or so, by the time I got down there I'd gotten much better at spotting buttons and stuff
vynnstorm wrote:When you say x secrets - y treasures does it count as x+y secrets in your secret counter or just x?
It means there are x secrets on the level and there are y treasures on the level. As far as I know all the treasures are secrets so they're included in x.
Pretty much it's just to help you keep a count of what you may have missed without showing you the actual item list since the Statistics screen in the game will show you both how many Secrets you've found and how many Treasures you've found.