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Re: Komag's Let's Play The One Room Round Robin 2 blind play

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 3:46 pm
by Diarmuid
Isaac wrote:

Explains a lot in an instant...
Whoa, nice find, great to see how the original looked like.

Re: Komag's Let's Play The One Room Round Robin 2 blind play

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 6:57 pm
by Komag
Part 16 is up, 2:01

Includes finishing Xanathar's room "Margonon's Fall" (although I think there is still more there), exploring more areas including elemental shrine and returning item to multi-level pit, and another failed attempt at boyflea's room "Cult of Drogna".

I've since read a bit of spoilers for boyflea's room and discovered that I would have passed it fine by now if it was set up correctly to only read the alive character instead of all four. To me that's an egregious oversight, especially since one of the solutions is to explicitly have only one party member alive. I tried female, and all clothes/items removed, and both of those would have gotten me through. So next segment will solve it.

Re: Komag's Let's Play The One Room Round Robin 2 blind play

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 7:07 pm
by Isaac
An unexpected surprise! Image

Re: Komag's Let's Play The One Room Round Robin 2 blind play

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 9:05 pm
by Diarmuid
Yeah, sorry about boyflea's room... we assumed during testing he did want the whole party to be scanned by design. It's only after that he came up with the idea that actually only the first char should be considered (which makes sense, after all).

Not finished the vid yet, commenting as I go along, but about Xanathar's room:
- The "escaping" with goggles trick was fixed in patch 3, if you attempt it this happens (a test video, the final one has less clipping of architecture) : ... e2_pit.mp4
- Also, indeed you missed a quite cool puzzle in the room with an awesome reward and achievement. I did give you a hint, think about the girl's name.


Light Elementals:
- nice job! :) The button was there all the time, I did say a few posts earlier that there was a secret you missed but there was a hint later - that's what I was refering to.
- One elemental indeed remerged with your daggers! That's quite not fair indeed, actually, they should have repelProjectiles = true. You can very well spawn yourself 6 "ow_kunai" from the console and keep playing, as after all it's the top throwing weapon and that's what your rogue is doing.

Code: Select all


Re: Komag's Let's Play The One Room Round Robin 2 blind play

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 6:10 pm
by Komag
part 17 up, 1:05

Includes finally finishing boyflea's room "Cult of Drogna" and also finishing another main secret area in Xanathar's room "Margonon's Fall".

Re: Komag's Let's Play The One Room Round Robin 2 blind play

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 3:20 am
by Isaac
Komag wrote:part 17 up, 1:05

Includes finally finishing boyflea's room "Cult of Drogna" and also finishing another main secret area in Xanathar's room "Margonon's Fall".
Did you notice in Xanathar's room...
Margonon == nonograM? 8-)
I didn't know the name to notice it, but I found it out later.

Re: Komag's Let's Play The One Room Round Robin 2 blind play

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 3:47 pm
by Komag
I had never heard the name before either.

Part 18 is up (1:12)

Includes some of the top floor of the dungeon, and Isaac's room "Foundry".

Re: Komag's Let's Play The One Room Round Robin 2 blind play

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 5:35 pm
by Komag
Part 19 is up (1:44)

Includes the rest of Isaac's room "Foundry", a very impressive Grimrock creation.

Re: Komag's Let's Play The One Room Round Robin 2 blind play

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 9:11 pm
by maneus
Isaacs room looks very impressive and the iron blacksmith is fantastic too. Thumbs up!

Re: Komag's Let's Play The One Room Round Robin 2 blind play

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 2:04 am
by Isaac
maneus wrote:Isaacs room looks very impressive and the iron blacksmith is fantastic too. Thumbs up!
Komag wrote:Includes the rest of Isaac's room "Foundry", a very impressive Grimrock creation.

The lingering steam sound is a bug:
During development the warden gears (when unlocked) had a message that said that no one in the party is strong enough to turn them, "not even close".
But it doesn't seem to be there anymore. I was surprised when they turned. Originally they spun loose until the lock was set. We'll have to check that.
Animated Reloads:
It's a limitation of the solution that the animated models cycle once upon reload. It's due to the size of the mod, and needing to be under 100MB.
All the animated models are re-used on all three floors (to avoid triple assets). The animation positions them on the first cycle.
It was ~thought~ normally impossible to see it happen, but it was not until really late that I realized they would have to run once for every time the player reloaded the map, and that they could be standing in front of them. :o