HaunterV wrote:XP rewards
As for brodie's dungeon and xp concerns overall... we could potentially scale back xp rewards for floors or the dungeon as a whole and leave everything but xp rewards untouched. Like if I were to submit my dungeon as a t1 entrant, I'd clone all my monsters and set their xp rewards to about 1/2 to 1/4 of the original values.
I'm all for this solution!
SpiderFighter wrote:it's easy enough for someone to run back to the start point and burn the scroll to go back up to the hub (feels funny typing The Hub, since that's
my dungeon 
), particularly if the entrance is in a central point to the rest of the map. How about if we divide the number of included levels by, say, 33.3% and include only that many? They'd still be dispersed throughout, but that way the player would be forced to conserve a bit as they go through the entire Frungeon (my truncated term for Frankendungeon

) instead of using them as a get out of jail free card of sorts.
You mean divided by 3?
"Running back to the entrance" is functionally about the same as "running back to a save point". But you're probably right that 1 scroll every 2-3 floors is better. Maybe we can restrict them to only one for each
even tier.
SpiderFighter wrote:I'd be afraid of yellow and orange being too similar. Besides, red and green fit the idea of this being a Christmas present to the community. And I've already added them to mine, and I'm just being lazy. lol
I think whatever works for the majority will be done, and that sounds like
green and
red. By the way, the particle effects for each is a little different. Down/
red stars fall quickly,
green/up stars float much like the default teleporter, and
purple/hub-return teleporters have fast-rising stars. Their appearance needs a bit of tweaking still to look nicer.
The teleporters must be the same objects, named "level_entry_teleporter" and "level_exit_teleporter" for consistency and allowing the Scrolls of Return to work, which is why I supplied first drafts of those in the tools file. They will not work with any other type of teleporters. During stitching we can replace any teleporter with the right type.
More on the Shopkeeper topic:
This could be a good system for its own dungeon, but I don't think it works for the CFD Project. This project should stand on the merits of each submission individually, not by overarching systems. And it would be a ton of overhead for each designer to consider a trade system. Choosing balanced loot to include in your submission tier is hard enough as it is.
Ancylus wrote:Ok, the consensus seems to favor teleporters, so we'll go with those. Sorry if I've stuck too long to this one issue, just wanted to present my point of view.
No worries.

It's a community-driven project! These things should be hashed out!
My current stance is:
- List teleporters in the rules.
- If a designer uses a staircase anyway, a breather hallway (as HaunterV suggested) should be inserted. No reason to hold a submission back over a minor issue.
So basically anything would be accepted, but I want to encourage one system to make linking relatively painless, and keep Scrolls of Return functional.
Well... I guess HaunterV and I will draft up another set of rules/guidelines/how-to-submit based on current ideas... and soon if we run out of things to discuss, we can launch officially in a new thread, and start accepting submissions.
At least, the tools I wanted to write to make this project manageable are pretty much good to go:
- SL's tabulated in spreadsheets.
- Custom Dungeon Analyzer to count up dungeon contents (equipment support would be nice... we'll see...)
- Progression/unlock and hub Scroll of Return system to fit with HaunterV's hub floor system.