Still, the best fight will be the cube.
And as for the best fight so far - that was when they were fighting the ogre.
Oh! You're right! I have forgotten the tentacles! Oh! I can already see how Coy might have something to say about that, since he's mentioned that he's used the grates to travel around Grimrock - the very grates that the tentacles come from! Wonder what Coy will tell me... I am sure he will tell me something, he's quite talkative in my head!AnnElfwind wrote:I think we're forgetting one more - the tentacled thingy, that comes out of the floor (grate). I don't remember them encountering them, but of course, I could be mistaken. That too would be an interesting fight.![]()
Still, the best fight will be the cube.
And as for the best fight so far - that was when they were fighting the ogre.
Lazy? I just assumed you were playing Legend of Grimrock 2, which I would not fault you for!AnnElfwind wrote:Lazy me... Well, on the other hand, I got to read two chapters at once.![]()
Yes! See, I told you that Coy would tell me about it when the time was right - and he managed to tackle several monsters appearing (or at least being mentioned!) within two small story segments! That Coy certainly gets around!AnnElfwind wrote: Okay, so we got slime, spiders, tentacles, mosquitos and the vault!
Yes! With Legend of Grimrock 2 out officially and seeing how it starts - I think the battle with the Undying One in my story is just around the bend!AnnElfwind wrote: The dismantlere... I love that sword. Some people say that the sword of nex is the strongest sword in the game... Well, I think the dismanteler is. And it is cooler looking.
So, it seems they will face the undying one soon... Can't wait for that.![]()
Coy does seem to know a lot. It's difficult to trust Silvertan also though, since he too is a rogue. But I guess it takes one to know one? Are his own motives questionable? Is that how he's able to sense something off with Coy? Or is he simply jealous of how good of a rogue Coy is?AnnElfwind wrote: Also, Silvertan makes me doubt Coy a bit. But he doesn't seem like a traitor... So, hopefully, Sivertan is wrong about him.
Looking forward to the next chapter.
I will try to fit it into the next story segment! Give a better visualization!AnnElfwind wrote: I have a bit of a curious question. As to the sizes of the characters. I mean, I can imagine how big Taren is and Tawmis is a human. But I wonder how the other three races compare to that... So, could you tell me how they compare in your head?