Grimrock 2 release date, trailer and preordering!

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Re: Grimrock 2 release date, trailer and preordering!

Post by hammurabi »

How can a wizard pre-order the game if there is no mention about Linux release?
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Re: Grimrock 2 release date, trailer and preordering!

Post by wingmaster003 »

So I am a proud person who has preordered this game and am heavily excited. Now I do not use humble bundle and stuff so I am curious if I will recieve my steam key once the game is out on my email or how does it work. Btw amazing game am looking forward to this festering future for greater reach! -FOR GRIMROCK AND SO ON-
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Re: Grimrock 2 release date, trailer and preordering!

Post by Eleven Warrior »

Errr yes I have Pre_ordered the game to thxs AH. I would like to know will there be a separate Modding Site eg: Modding LOG2 or something ahy. So then you don't get confused with the first version?

1 - So AH you said you created your Mod using the new editor, now that I cant wait to see. This will make editing for real and more fun thxs for that.
2 - I still think that this Game Engine could go even further like the Unreal game engine, but wont push my luck on this topic as I have been shot down before lol... Well
you guys should consider going big time with the LOG Engine ahy, but that's up to you guys.
3 - Errrrrrr ummmmm thxs for a awesome job guys the money I spend on any of your games is well worth it ahy :) Ohhh and Anti love that overnight game you made ahy :)
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Re: Grimrock 2 release date, trailer and preordering!

Post by antti »

Eleven Warrior wrote:Errr yes I have Pre_ordered the game to thxs AH. I would like to know will there be a separate Modding Site eg: Modding LOG2 or something ahy. So then you don't get confused with the first version?

1 - So AH you said you created your Mod using the new editor, now that I cant wait to see. This will make editing for real and more fun thxs for that.
2 - I still think that this Game Engine could go even further like the Unreal game engine, but wont push my luck on this topic as I have been shot down before lol... Well
you guys should consider going big time with the LOG Engine ahy, but that's up to you guys.
3 - Errrrrrr ummmmm thxs for a awesome job guys the money I spend on any of your games is well worth it ahy :) Ohhh and Anti love that overnight game you made ahy :)
Yeah, we'll put up a separate modding sub-forum here, as well as a modding/scripting guide on the site. But those are work-in-progress and the guide for instance might not make it to the launch day... Of course we hope that people would concentrate on playing the game through first before jumping into the editor so that they will avoid spoiling the game by looking at the monsters and items, so I hope that people won't mind that the documentation might be sparse during the first days :)

Thanks for the comments and thanks for checking out the game too ;)
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Re: Grimrock 2 release date, trailer and preordering!

Post by Elmsfeuer »

I loved Legend of Grimrock and bought it on the release date and now I'am very excited for Legend of Grimrock 2. Of course I preordered Legend of Grimrock 2 the second it was available through your site for a drm-free and a steam-version. My question is (and i hope this wasn't already answered), will we be able te pre-load the game somewhere? I'm living on the countryside with a very "old school" internet connection and ya... At the moment Legend of Grimrock is a 500 MB Download and LoG 2 beeing 25% bigger can I assume the Downlaod-Data will not be bigger than 1 GB? :p

And I heared even on the countryside scandinavian-internet is good ;___;

Thank You!
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Re: Grimrock 2 release date, trailer and preordering!

Post by Neutronium Dragon »

...and preorders are now up on GoG:

I managed to snag one right before the order page started stalling out due to the number of people hitting it. I guess that's good news? :)
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Re: Grimrock 2 release date, trailer and preordering!

Post by Billick »

Just made my preorder. I buy a lot of games, and this is the first game I've preordered in almost 3 years.
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Re: Grimrock 2 release date, trailer and preordering!

Post by akroma222 »

Dear AH Team,

Seen the pre-order trailer - Unbelievable!! Everything I thought you guys would do and then more! (I have been showing the trailer to all my friends AND their pets) :D
Pre-ordering tonight + upgrading computer so I don't have to skimp on graphics settings ;)

I just wanted to say a few words to you guys - I think you are bloody Legends! Grimrock 1 not only revitalised the dungeon crawling genre, but it also has allowed so many beginners (such as myself) to lend a hand at bringing to life their own ideas and creations. I have made board games similar to Grimrock since I was very young and never did I think I could translate my work into a PC game/ mod. You guys have given so many people a guided introduction to doing just that. For this, I thank you all sincerely.

Honestly, I have not played any other game in the last 2 years (apart from teaching people competitive MTG play). Most of this time was working on my mod for Grimrock 1 and I can say without a doubt I will be spending a similar amount of time modding Grimrock 2. As Diarmuid said earlier - this game has changed my life/career direction. I think you should all be very very proud that your creation has changed the career direction of people from all over the world. Well done guys!!! :D :D

Once again, thank you AH Team!!

Akroma :D
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