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Re: Post your party here!
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 6:06 am
by IndigoAK
I've got the basic tank warrior in my upper left slot. Shields and maces, armor and athletics, etc.
In my upper right slot I have a lizardman with almost all of his points spent in unarmed. He wears very little armor and has high evasiveness. He's my main damage dealer and he's incredibly good at it.
In my lower left, I have a rouge with my most of her points in Assassination and Daggers. Mostly as a back row DPS, though I always have her equipped with throwing knives in case I feel like doing a bit of ranged damaged without involving my mage.
My lower right is my mage. She's pretty much all ice magic, with a few points spent in Spellcrafting to allow her to equip the first staff you come across. I find I'm enjoying ice magic's ability to deal damage to multiple targets sooner than other schools, at the tradeoff of having to spend more points in it early on to make it really effective.
Re: Post your party here!
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 4:25 pm
by xlaZuRelx
On my second playthrough... Most Broken Party Ever...
Human Rogue: Missile(Only) - Aggressive/Skilled :- Using a Bow and Heavy Armor
Lizard Rogue: Missile(Only) - Skilled/Evasive :- Using Crossbow and Evasion items (Lurker)
Minotaur Rogue: Thrown(Only) - Aggressive/HeadHunter :- Anything that flies...
Insectiod Mage: Air/SpellCraft - Aura/Skilled :- Enchanting Bolts/Arrows, Lightning Bolts
I'm currently at Dungeon Level 8, this party is so broken I dont know where to start from. First 2 Levels are harder, until you get the sling, at level 3 the bow at the start and later on a crossbow at 4. Once you hit double shot on all character you basically can kill anything, for some reason due to the massive amounts of hits the enemy will be stunned and you can volley endless barrages of ammunition. An example will be the fire archons, where my arrows then bolts then shuriken with hit continuously and he couldn't break of stun thus no fireballs.
All you really need to do is kill and charge in for your ammunition, then strafe out to fire again...
I even completed Fighter's Challenge at Level 7 Character with only my mage dead...
Re: Post your party here!
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 4:57 pm
by Pez
I opted for a classic party, with 2 warriors, 1 rogue and 1 mage.
Ser Conrad, Human Fighter.
Attributes: 18, 12, 14, 10
Skills: Armors 2, Swords 2.
Traits: Healthy, Athletic
Oymiakon, Minotaur Fighter.
Attributes: 19, 10, 16, 7
Skills: 1 Athletics, 1 Armors, 2 Axes
Traits: Skilled, Head hunter.
Tch'orrblex, Lizardman Rogue
Attributes: 14, 18, 12, 8
Skills: 2 Missile, 1 Dodge
Traits: Agile, Poison resistant
Cassandra, Human Mage.
Attributes: 10, 12, 12, 19
Skills: Earth 3, Fire 2, Spellcraft 2
Traits: Skilled, Strong Mind.
This are Level 1 stats, right after creation. So far im very happy with them, but im not sure where to aim with my rogue pointwise, im for sure maxing out missile weapons, but not sure where else should I put points.
Re: Post your party here!
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 7:22 pm
by xoseph
Halk wrote:
Why not lizard rather than insect?
Dex doesn't affect thrown weapons.
Two reason: A) Insectoid's can take the +5 Protection trait, and 2) Nobody in their right mind would create an insectoid fighter and put him on the front lines.
Re: Post your party here!
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:22 pm
by sevtai
Human Fighter - Sword, Armor - Max Strength -
Opted for heavy armors, leading to valor set
Human Rogue - Dagger, Assasination, Dodge - Max Strength
From day one went with the rogue set, lurker is it?? super high evasion so much better then protection, vulnerably to magic though
Human Mage - Fire, Staff, Spell - Max Willpower
Chitin armor battlemage, sent him up front if the rogue or fighter needed a rest
Human Mage - Ice, Staff, Spell - Max Willpower
Left over and specialist equipment, also my alchemist, if that matters =p
Really boring ... but REALLY effective, none of these fancy racial abilities, and the 4 skills points a level really helped
Also had real trouble with encumbrance, i tried to get rid of all my crap, but im a natural hoarder =p
Re: Post your party here!
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 2:39 am
by Krotch ScroteGuzzle
All melee because I don't like the casting mechanics (clicking runes) or the ranged mechanics (limited ammo).
Human Warrior: 16 Armor (for heavy armor) and Sword to 50.
Human Warrior: 16 Armor (for heavy armor) and Axe to 50.
Human Rogue: Assassination to 12 (attack from back row) and Daggers to 50.
Human Rogue: Assassination to 12 (attack from back row) and Daggers to 50.
All characters took Skilled (+3 Skill Points) and Agile (+2 Dex). Boring party but very effective in combat.

Re: Post your party here!
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 4:32 am
by murkscale
My party, even got a bleeting backstory for each of them that I may post if anybody anybody gives a damn.
Murkscale Hisskin: Lizardman Fighter with Light Armour Proffeciency who focuses on the Swords skill for quick damage output and survivability.
- Traits; Skilled because it's pretty much just the flat out best trait and Evasive to keep him alive.
- Stats; Balanced.
Stonehorn: Minotaur Fighter who wears Heavy Armour like a champ and likes to smash (and wear) skulls with his mace.
- Traits; Skilled, again 4 skill points beats 1 any day of the week and Headhunter for the collection aspect aswell as the rather neat synergy with the Maces skill.
- Stats; Just enough Dexterity to avoid a negative modifier and all the rest went into Vitality as he's sort of my tank.
Daelena Wolvesgarden: Human Rogue who's all about Assassination and Daggers.
- Traits; Skilled (doh) and Aggressive as she's meant to do pretty much nothing but hack away at the enemy.
- Stats; Namely Strength and Dexterity for Attack Power and Accuracy.
Z'zizzik: Isectiod Mage who focuses purely on Earth Magic as I rather fancy the idea of a bug spewing acid in his opponents face, he does have a few points in Spellcraft though for the 25% speed boost and the Light/Darkness spells.
- Traits; Skilled (Everyone can have!) and Strong Mind so that I can... well, cast more spells.
- Stats; Pretty much all Willpower with a bit of Vitality.
Re: Post your party here!
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 9:42 am
by Doom972
Human Fighter, Skilled and Healthy - Tank.
Minotaur Fighter, Aggressive and Head Hunter - DPS.
Lizardman Rogue, Skilled and Agile - Range.
Human Mage, Skilled and Strong Minded - Magic.
This party feels pretty safe for a first playthrough, while it gives me an opportunity to try each class.
Re: Post your party here!
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:34 am
by Tyroie
I just beat the game on hard, with my first party - with a bit of an unusual setup.
Front row-
1 - Minotaur Warrior, even split between armor & maces, pretty standard. Used throwing weapons in his offhand.
2 - Minotaur Mage, even split between staff defense & earth magic. LOVED this character. By the end of the game, her health and armor weren't far behind the warrior's (thanks to the special light armor set), but her evasion was far, far better. Used enchanted weapons in her offhand for emergencies. Her poison clouds worked well thanks to the next character...
Back row-
3 - Insect Ice Mage. Decked out mostly in heavy armor, which actually allowed him to take quite a few hits, despite the -30ish evasion. Freezing enemies and then trapping them in a poison cloud with the earth mage was an unbelievably fun, accidental tactic - watching so many enemies drop dead while I'm fighting something else was hilarious.
4 - Insect Archer. Pretty straightforward.
The thing I loved about this party was just how strong it felt in emergencies, like getting surrounded by things. Tons of range, AoE damage, control, and still a tanky front line. LOVED playing this group.
Re: Post your party here!
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 6:30 pm
by xlaZuRelx
Now for my 3rd Runthrough
I've done
A standard 1 Fighter 1 Rogue 2 Mage for my first party
All Ranged 3 Rogue 1 Mage for my second party - overwhelming broken
Now for my 3rd party I'm gonna do an all out melee party,
Human Fighter - Sword/Valor Suit - Skilled/Athletic
Human Fighter - Hammer/Plate Suit - Skilled/Athletic
Minotaur Rogue - Dagger/Assassination - Skilled/Headhunter
Minotaur Rogue - Unarmed/Assassination - Skilled/Fist Fighter
Lets hope it goes well