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Re: [OPEN] Community FrankenDungeon! - Submit your mini-dung

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 8:21 am
by msyblade
I can get gregoriaan monks, but it may not be suitable for this mood, especially by the time it ends.

Re: [OPEN] Community FrankenDungeon! - Submit your mini-dung

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 2:29 am
by Brodie301
Status bump!!!

Re: [OPEN] Community FrankenDungeon! - Submit your mini-dung

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 3:14 am
by JohnWordsworth
Glad to see you'll be excepting 'late' entrants into the full dungeon and that the 15th deadline was not absolute for the entire dungeon. I'm afraid the XMas build-up just swallowed up too much of my time - but as today was my last day at work for the next week and a half, I'm looking forward to kicking back and getting into all things fun soon :).

Re: [OPEN] Community FrankenDungeon! - Submit your mini-dung

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 7:51 am
by Brodie301
Shameless bump

Re: [OPEN] Community FrankenDungeon! - Submit your mini-dung

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 10:09 pm
by HaunterV
So sorry everyone. holidays and i found out i have a 2nd kid on the way a few weeks ago.

I hope to have a status update later today/tonight.

Re: [OPEN] Community FrankenDungeon! - Submit your mini-dung

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 10:24 pm
by Brodie301
HaunterV wrote:So sorry everyone. holidays and i found out i have a 2nd kid on the way a few weeks ago.

I hope to have a status update later today/tonight.
Congrats,there is nothing like having kids, i can't even compare it to anything.

Good to see you back even if for short time.

Re: [OPEN] Community FrankenDungeon! - Submit your mini-dung

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 10:34 pm
by HaunterV
Brodie301 wrote:
HaunterV wrote:So sorry everyone. holidays and i found out i have a 2nd kid on the way a few weeks ago.

I hope to have a status update later today/tonight.
Congrats,there is nothing like having kids, i can't even compare it to anything.

Good to see you back even if for short time.
I compare it to not having enough time for anything :P

Did anyone find some epic credit roll music for us to use?

Re: [OPEN] Community FrankenDungeon! - Submit your mini-dung

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 6:19 am
by Brodie301

Re: [OPEN] Community FrankenDungeon! - Submit your mini-dung

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 12:12 am
by HaunterV
OK, so, I need some help from everyone. Edsploration has had life slap him in the face and has been unable thus far to get the CFD 2012 sewn together.

I need everyone to post the links to their files or PM me the files and I will do my best to gather everything together and get something out there for the community to muck around with.

Next I need some of you guys to help me trouble shoot the resulting mess that will inevitably result from this route. I have no doubt that Ed will return and he will give us something magical in more than a few fronts (I've been in sporadic contact with the guy) and at that point we will probably just skip the extended edition as everyone interested has probably moved on by now anyway,and let everyone just devote their time and effort to other projects that interest them.

On a side note, I wouldn't knock anyone wanting in on CFD:2013 plotting out their idea throughout the year. I expect this fall for it to go a LOT smoother and be a lot more epic. This year (2012 version) it will really be a frankenstein monster that is just hideous to behold.


-Edsploration hadd life hit him in th eface, HaunterV is stepping in to do his best to get a release out.
-Someone willing to help in the trouble shooter role would be appreciated
-PM Haunter if you havent already, your files and/or links
-Looking to form committee to make CFD: 2013 come off without a hitch (Put/have failsafes in place so not one guy is stuck with all the labour.

On that note when Ed does return I'd like him to know all effort put forth thus far on his part is greatly appreciated and I hope the dominoes of life fall into place for him soon.

Re: [OPEN] Community FrankenDungeon! - Submit your mini-dung

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 12:13 am
by HaunterV
This weekend I'll begin chipping away at it and present updates as I progress.