I played this mod today on Hard with a new group (starting at level 1), I liked it, a quiet, short, unchallenging, but entertaining mod, secrets that you'll find if you look hard enough (all pretty easy, except for one of the levers in the castle which can be a bit more unpredictable), pretty much like the original Grimrock 2, for those who just want ‘more Grimrock 2", no new mechanics or complications.
Secrets: 22/22
Epic items: 13/13
Treasures: 5/5
Skulls: 8
Gold keys used: 1
My group finished at level 10:
I wonder if there are any skulls or gold keys I haven't seen, i only saw one gold key that I used to obtain the "crystal armour".
In “The Master's Tower” is there any way to deactivate the northern force field that covers the carrier to “The Conduit”? Or as I imagine it is merely decorative?
One of the 15 levels you can miss perfectly well because there is a good chance of not falling through the hole in the level ‘Halls of Correction’, anyway it's only a underwater ‘mini level’ and there are only herbs, some items that can be useful, no secrets.
I detected a bug in ‘Halls of Twilights’, there is a teleporter that you shouldn't be able to access until you can press a lever to open a gate, but you can actually jump into that teleporter with the barred door closed from a high place, the area in question is in the central part of the map.
As a personal appreciation: Maybe it would have been good to put torches, after all, everyone will go straight to concentration 2 to cast the light spell. I also felt that I found an excess of notes for the levels whose information was similar.
As always, congratulations and thanks a lot to the creator for creating this mod.