Re: Changes from Grimrock 1 you DIDN'T like
Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 6:40 pm
They make the same mistake like Dunegon Master 2. This is NOT dungeon crawler. I dont wait for LoG 3.
Official Legend of Grimrock Forums
Maybe there will be some community made mods that are more to your liking. Or perhaps you could design one of your own! While I have no problem with outdoor areas, I would enjoy a pure dungeon crawler, too.Galnospoke wrote:They make the same mistake like Dunegon Master 2. This is NOT dungeon crawler. I dont wait for LoG 3.
Fairly certain I spent more time under ground than above in this game. Being in the Cemetery crypt was as claustrophobic as LoG1, for sure.Galnospoke wrote:They make the same mistake like Dunegon Master 2. This is NOT dungeon crawler. I dont wait for LoG 3.
I cant say that LoG 2 is bad game - no - it is definitely good game, but this "philosophy" (create semi open world) kill Dungeon Master series. All best crawlers were typical dungeons like: EoB series , Black Crypt, DM 1 etc. LoG go to the Might and Magic design, and imho there are different type of players.Ixnatifual wrote:Maybe there will be some community made mods that are more to your liking. Or perhaps you could design one of your own! While I have no problem with outdoor areas, I would enjoy a pure dungeon crawler, too.Galnospoke wrote:They make the same mistake like Dunegon Master 2. This is NOT dungeon crawler. I dont wait for LoG 3.
This so much. When I cleared out the Bog and didn't see a single Snail... sigh. I understand the assets are still in the game, though, so the editor can put them in.Grimfan wrote:They left out snails...
Even if that is true, it's still silly and frustrating game design and tedious to boot.BouH wrote:
Actually that's meant to be, because Island Master want to play with you or train you. Also I cant remember Dispel and Shield spells in LoG1.
What mistake?They make the same mistake like Dunegon Master 2. This is NOT dungeon crawler. I dont wait for LoG 3.
I'm wondering if they know how to strategize. At all.I am curious as to whether or not these people with charge time complaints have played Fighters yet.