Re: Beta 2.1.10
Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 3:04 pm
The changes that don't apply to old saves are really minor. But anyway, if you'd like to wait I'm not stopping you 

I came to that spider puzzle by falling down another pit so both doors to the crystal room were closed, after solving the puzzle (and getting the secret on the way also) one of the doors opened just fine.Diarmuid wrote:I don't know how it happens exactly, it's just that a lot of people seem to report buggy behavior.Dr.Disaster wrote:You are only stuck when you can't solve the puzzle in that room.Diarmuid wrote:As this seems to be a bug reporting thread as well, I invite you to check the thread in the hints section about the ruins of Desarune spider puzzle, if you haven't checked it already:
- you can get stuck if you jump down the pit next to the crystal before opening the door with the lever
- the doors can close/not open under some circumstances, something does not reset at it should in the puzzle script
It would be interesting how you produce the circumstances to prevent the door from opening once the puzzle is solved. For me it worked out fine with three different parties now, although it takes a few seconds until the door opens.