Re: [MOD] The Curse of Gothmog
Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 9:03 pm
I agree, his two mods are wonderful and the original atmosphere of Dungeon Master was successfully recreated!!!germanny wrote:I managed to rach level 11 now, and this mod is really great, lex!
Very cool update to comscript´s talented scripting, he has done such a brilliant stuff the dm way - will love him forever^^

Thanks.germanny wrote:Good atmosphere, secrets are well done, and after you fixed the thirst issue it has much more fun.
Actually, when the leg plates fall down a portcullis is replaced by a breakable one... you juste have to follow the same way.germanny wrote:The Dragon leg plates - they fall down, guessing i was´nt able to crack the button code? Or could they be found in a level below then?

As far as I am perfectionist, I choose one by one which deco goes on which wall or floor... It takes me a lot of time.germanny wrote:Found no signifikant errors i can remember - so please update to 1.0, will replay it for shure!
I should do it quicker.
What do you mean by hintbook?germanny wrote:What abouit a little 'hintbook' ?
Agreed! A beautiful wallset.germanny wrote:BTW - what a damn cool wallset^^

As I PM you, it sould be better to remove pillars from doors and to let the designer choose which pillar to use.germanny wrote:Really, i must say there are very small flaws that are disturbing the overall look and feel on the graphical side.
I´ve created the stuff, but playing inside a dungeon with the set after some months - i see every mistake that is done by me.
For example, there is a black shadow on wood-pillars that are used with doors.
I knew it, it is the same texture as used with normal pillars. Better adding a second tex without that shadow.
To be honest there is only one mistake that disturbing me: some locks do not have back texture in the key hole so that the wall is immediately visible below. This is for example the case for the first lock in the dungeon, a ruby lock as I remember.