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Re: [MOD] - The Sunset Gate - RELEASED
Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 2:42 am
by leewroy
Hmmm...guess I´m trouble
Restarted from the previous save, without the cheats. I´m carrying three corpses, but thhe crystal in the shrine of life won't ressurect any of them. (otis, jill, and that beast...forgot the name. I remember that I ressurected the minotaur and the green thief one af another. Is it a bug?
Re: [MOD] - The Sunset Gate - RELEASED
Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 10:04 am
by Xanathar
I'm away from home today - send me the savegame in some way and I'll check it as soon as I'm back home.
Re: [MOD] - The Sunset Gate - RELEASED
Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 9:34 pm
by leewroy
Sent you on a PM, hosted in 4shared.
You'll notice I´m in front of the death shrine. I guess I could take car of the problem, I just went back to the room where the life shrine is and using the spawn I put a life shrine there. This way I could ressurect tghe others. Anyway it's a thing you maybe want to see. I even disabled the autosave in the options too see if it works, but no luck.
Re: [MOD] - The Sunset Gate - RELEASED
Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 11:11 pm
by Xanathar
First of all, thanks because your report had the effect of helping me finding a point where I can optimize a bit of performance
That said, leewroy... Map Markers! Do NOT use map markers they are evil!
Seriously, the grimrock engine has a couple of functions which simply won't work correctly when map markers are used.. do not use them or if you really must, use them on wall tiles.
Re: [MOD] - The Sunset Gate - RELEASED
Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 11:33 pm
by leewroy
Oh...I see. Well, I usually never had this kind of problem, and I made very few on your game, lol. Anyway, thanks for your time to help me.
I have another qustion, tough
on the 4th floor there is a room with three levers and a button. I didn't make many thing yet, but just thinking about all the possibnilities makes me nuts

what's suposed to do there, can you tell me?
Re: [MOD] - The Sunset Gate - RELEASED
Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 12:22 am
by Xanathar
Spoiler - it's a secret. The solution can be obtained by a hint or brute force. Look at the comments on steam for the easy way out

Anyway - it's optonal.
Re: [MOD] - The Sunset Gate - RELEASED
Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 1:05 pm
by Komag
I just wrote down which combinations I did each time until I got the full sequence. But what do the words in the hint mean? I understand the hint of
, but what are the words?
Re: [MOD] - The Sunset Gate - RELEASED
Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 1:23 pm
by Xanathar
Time to explain
There is a note on level 5 with "Kokkino Ichthys 5 7 3 4". Kokkino Ichthys in some kind of "the most terrible greek ever" would mean "red herring". This is a nod to Lands of Lore I which had a note "Piscata Rosea 4 4 5", where Piscata Rosea is red herring in Latin and the numbers had no meaning whatsoever. Here the red herring is the opposite

as the numbers are the solution to that room

In binary 5 7 3 and 4 are, respectively, 101, 111, 011 and 100. Honestly I don't think anyone has ever or will ever solve this room through the hint, brute force is much easier

Re: [MOD] - The Sunset Gate - RELEASED
Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 5:59 pm
by IgorPoulpupov
I just started playing this mod (feels really good so far), but it's very slow on my computer. I never had this problem before. I'm always (literally) at 10 fps. I don't understand why. I put all the video options to the minimum (which I never had to do with other mods), but it didn't change anything, still at 10 fps. It only gets better when the automap is on, or when the menu is on.
Maybe the "journal" and all (buttons in the bottom left corner) are the reason, since the lights and assets do not seem different from classic dungeons... It's the first time I play a mod with this feature... I haven't read anything about that kind of problem in the "GUI party dialogue" topic, but I remember (not sure) that some new features require the player to do something special?
I'd like to enjoy this mod properly, so if you have any idea on what my problem is...
Re: [MOD] - The Sunset Gate - RELEASED
Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 7:24 pm
by msyblade
If decreasing graphic options doesn't seem to help, just switch to "low" rendering mode. That will solve the most cpu intensive dungeons even if youre using a pre- pentium 486,

It kills a lot of the visual flair in the world, but the game runs smooth.