[OBSOLETE] "One Room" Round Robin Mod - Round Two!

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Re: [DISCUSSION] "One Room" Round Robin Mod - Round Two!

Post by Numberouane »

u guys are amazing! I feel there s no limit to ur creativity!

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Re: [DISCUSSION] "One Room" Round Robin Mod - Round Two!

Post by Marble Mouth »

Hi Diarmuid. That multi-level view is amazing. If you fall from one level to another, is the view smooth the whole way down?
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Re: [DISCUSSION] "One Room" Round Robin Mod - Round Two!

Post by Komag »

I made a multi-level area and I simply disallow falling down!
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Re: [DISCUSSION] "One Room" Round Robin Mod - Round Two!

Post by Diarmuid »

If you fall, you'll see one small animation for each level, like when you fall through multiple pits. I thought of putting railings or small stone blocks on the sides of bridges to prevent suicide, but that's to be discussed.

Meanwhile, I think a proper sign-up session should be in order soon :-)

EDIT: Here's a video of "The Fall"!!!: http://youtu.be/bm_3Uxf1sWY
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Re: [DISCUSSION] "One Room" Round Robin Mod - Round Two!

Post by Komag »

that's a long way down, ouch!
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Re: [DISCUSSION] "One Room" Round Robin Mod - Round Two!

Post by Neikun »

I wasn't expecting that crazy damage!
Fitting though.
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Re: [DISCUSSION] "One Room" Round Robin Mod - Round Two!

Post by JohnWordsworth »

I'm all for Git in the sense that I use it for coding, but how do you guys get around the fact that the dungeon.lua file contains all of the dungeon structure in LoTNR? Surely that means that, unless you want a really complicated merge procedure, then one person can only work on the actual dungeon structure at one time.

While Git/Skype/SpiderFighter handing out rooms based on a pre-consultation are all good ideas, I'm concerned about making it too complex a procedure to get involved. What was nice about the first one was that you just clicked a link when it was your go, downloaded the file, did your thing and sent it back to SpiderFighter. If we tell people you have to download a Git client, learn Git and what to do if there is a conflict - we are essentially doubling the workload for new modders that don't know this stuff. I've come to learn that the best thing often is just to keep it simple!

Naturally, I'm happy with whatever the majority decide is best, but I'm just putting in the argument for keeping it simple.

On another note - I really love the look of the 'central room' which is multiple levels deep. That's a great design and look.

Edit: With regards to the fall, I think that's a fitting amount of damage! It'll be like D&D, a level 20 character can just jump down if they want, but for everyone else it's death.
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Re: [DISCUSSION] "One Room" Round Robin Mod - Round Two!

Post by Komag »

I echo the sentiment for simple and straightforward :)
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Re: [DISCUSSION] "One Room" Round Robin Mod - Round Two!

Post by Diarmuid »

Right, I agree skype+git was maybe too much for just a 9x9 room. However, as the dimensions are set, once we have the list of designers set, everyone can start designing/sketichg at the same time in their own file, and then just copy over their dungeon/scripts in the main file when they get it. That way we can pass around the file in any order, depending on who's finished designing their room.

For the fall, 8 levels fall should kill people indeed, lol. The way the animation was "repeating" in the video just made me realize that I didn't account for space "between" the levels in my structure. I mean, in the current screenshots, there is exactly 3m between two floor levels. But in reality it should be 6m, 3m floor space + 3m "stone" between, if not it doesn't make sense. So the whole room should be twice as deep.
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Re: [DISCUSSION] "One Room" Round Robin Mod - Round Two!

Post by SpiderFighter »

I've been trying to stay out of the actual decision-making as much as possible; I feel this is a community project so I want to roll with whatever the majority chooses. However, I really do have to agree with JW and Komag. The genesis of the original ORRR was simply: What could a designer come up with if givien the limitation of only having one room? I also wanted to make anyone feel like they could contribute (so that people could just dip their toes in the water, so to speak, if they weren't up to doing an entire mod, for example). Requiring additional downloads and sign-ups really seems to fly in the face of spirit of the original.

I'm all for amping this round up (by making it theme related, or limiting size of the room, et al), but I have to agree that simpler is better. The nice thing about the ORRR is that it can be changed from round to round, so if we don't want to mash up too many ideas in one round, there's always the next.

I'll of course go with whatever the majority decides, as this is most definitely a democratic process, but that's my 2 cents.

EDIT @ Ryeath_Greystalk: Originally, I emailed the file to each designer as their turn came up. Eventually, however, the file size grew to a point where people were having difficulty receiving/sending it with their email clients, so I would send them a link via dropbox (I'm not sure if a signup was required to download it though; can anyone confirm this please?), as most people were already familiar with it. I'm open to any other suggestions.
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