[Mod] The Lost Power of Nadric

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Re: [Mod] The Lost Power of Nadric

Post by RacerX »


I opened up the door to the Main Temple with the console editor

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Big thanks
I was able to get through 'I can't hear" and Under the Cave. But I still can't get past the other part my the wingate near the dead lake. I threw a couple of fire bombs on the cave in in front of the second set of stairs but nothing happened. Still can't get up the stairs to the treasure chest.
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Re: [Mod] The Lost Power of Nadric

Post by Khollik »

Hey RacerX glad I could help.

Regarding the Dead Lake Cave, I'm sorry but it seems that you're experiencing the same bug as Jubayy, which I couldn't reproduce, and which some friends of mine who tested the mod didn't have neither (nor Orace apparently). I'm still trying to understand what's the problem here :x Maybe I will add a ladder so people won't be stuck here :mrgreen:

Which version of LOG2 and which version of the mod are you playing with?
Do you play with an imported party from another mod?

Meanwhile, this should get you out of the cave...

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Hoping that you're still having fun

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Re: [Mod] The Lost Power of Nadric

Post by RacerX »


I have Grimrock2-2-2-4 )

My party is imported works fine except for the shield and dispel spell (crash)

I opened console editor

Code: Select all

I'm up top but no lock pick .)

I now know you see the exact spot of the trouble.

It seems to me like it is a protected cell. When I use fire I get it right in the face. In all the mods I have never seen one that you can disturb/affect a cave-in.

Big thanks
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Re: [Mod] The Lost Power of Nadric

Post by Isaac »

RacerX wrote:Hi In all the mods I have never seen one that you can disturb/affect a cave-in.
There is at least one mod for LoG1 that has this; It's the ORRR2 mod. The party gets trapped in a room with a cave-in, and the player must attack it to destroy it; they find items in the rubble that lead to an escape. It's unexpected gameplay, but the party is in a desperate situation with no apparent options—eventually they attack the rocks.
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Re: [Mod] The Lost Power of Nadric

Post by Khollik »


I didn't have the ORRR2 in mind (is that the room with the angried ogre who shmashes all walls? I don't remember) but yes it works... At least with a non imported party :roll: I'll try to put a video online to confirm it :lol:

As for the lock pick, it's somewhere else
Look closely underwater near a cluster of trees
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Re: [Mod] The Lost Power of Nadric

Post by RacerX »

I made it a bit farther but here is something I don't quite understand.
"Only the one who knows the Temple will recognize the key to the inner sanctum"

On the wall there is a Pictogram of Raa holding the serpent staff to show his power to his subjects. A ways back I put the couple of items on the alter (staff of raa, leaflet bracelet, shaman cloak. I received the shaman staff (nice item). So I put the shaman staff, leaflet bracelet, and the shaman cloak on the alter but nothing happens. Is this a ruse? Is there a different path?
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Re: [Mod] The Lost Power of Nadric

Post by Khollik »

Hey RacerX, I see you made good progress in the meditation rooms :)

Regarding the "Only the one who knows the temple..."
Take a look at your map, the answer should be obvious
You need to put a skull on the altar. Don't worry, there is a way to get it back
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Re: [Mod] The Lost Power of Nadric

Post by RacerX »

The skull worked fine
Finished up with the Mediation Rooms by keeping the 666 clue in mind. Then I went back to the old temple and picked up the Pendant. I had my wizard wear shaman staff, leaflet bracelet, and the shaman cloak to let me into the elemental cave. The maze seems pretty daunting. Any pointers?
Thanks for the hint....
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lost tunnels

Post by spartacus55 »

hi Khollik
excuse me but I am a very idiot :D
I'm stuck in Lost tunnels
what does "bring me light" mean? :oops:
I tried with a torch and with a firebomb but...nothing
Can I have a little help ?
thanks in advance :P

(sorry for my bad English...I'm Italian...)
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Lost Tunnels

Post by spartacus55 »

ciao Orace :P
mi sembra di aver letto in un precedente post che sei italiano anche tu ;)
(io sono di Torino)
tra connazionali :oops: non è che mi daresti una mano ?
sono fermo nei Lost Tunnels alla grata col messaggio "Bring me light" di fronte
ho provato a mettere una torcia e una Frirebomb al di la della grata ma non è servito a nulla...
cosa serve ?
magari uno scroll con l'incantesimo Light ?
grazie per una tua eventuale risposta :D


ho postato la domanda anche in inglese nel messaggio precedente ma poi mi sono ricordato che tu eri italiano
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