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Re: The Crack of Doom Version 1.01 is Live
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 7:20 am
by gylippos
I too would like to attempt this. If you still visit here, could you please upload it to Nexus again. I didn't know that they got deleted.
Re: The Crack of Doom Version 1.01 is Live
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 7:48 am
by Kirill
Re: The Crack of Doom Version 1.01 is Live
Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2022 9:04 pm
by Kirill
Is someone playing it or finished it?
Re: The Crack of Doom Version 1.01 is Live
Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2022 9:19 pm
by Badgert
The mod is very good and very heavy!
On the Internet you can find a video of its passage.
Re: The Crack of Doom Version 1.01 is Live
Posted: Wed May 31, 2023 2:06 am
by DonEmilio
I passed this mod on HARD mode and with a new group starting at level 1. The hardest in terms of combat I've played in a long time.
Total time: 28:50 hours (actually I think it was much more with the times I had to reload the game after dying, I'm the kind of person who forgets to save the game often).
Secrets: 70/80
Epic items: 21/23
Treasures: 4/5
I won't play it again because it's too long and hard (maybe in a few months), but if the creator puts a guide showing where are all the secrets, treasures and epic items I would look for the ones I missed from a saved game in the last level. Very nice new textures, new monsters and music.
Sadly, my biggest jam in the game was not because of a combat or a puzzle, it was in the level 650ft south, when killing a monster on an aerial magic platform a key fell and the key was not seen because it was TOTALLY camouflaged with the edge of that platform that was brown. I was stuck in that level not knowing what to do for 4 or 5 hours and thinking that the mod was bugged. By chance by clicking desperately the key appeared on the cursor, because I suspected that in that area should be the key because it was a strongly defended and hidden place. To prevent these things from happening it would be better if the really important objects were in chests, pedestals or niches, never in monsters that drop an object when they die.
I also got stuck a lot in mazes in levels that are several levels deep (water + three floors), I think I have a bad sense of direction in this kind of levels.
P.S.: With a lot of patience I killed absolutely all the monsters in all the levels, except for the spawns
Thank you very much for creating this mod!
Re: The Crack of Doom Version 1.01 is Live
Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2023 8:18 pm
by DonEmilio
Upon further research I discovered:
Secrets: 80/80
Treasures: 5/5
Epic items: 23/23
Skulls: 12
Mission accomplished.
Creating gamplay of the whole mod on hard with all the secrets: ... KqnZqA9q1o
Re: The Crack of Doom Version 1.01 is Live
Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2023 11:07 pm
by Scherer
Really enjoying this one, although it gets really rough later on. If you don't mind
- fighting 3 fire golems at once,
fighting evil magicians plus 20 other monsters in one room (4x in one level),
20 ogres in one level,
starving crew members for hours because you won't find any food for 6-8 levels in a row.
grinding for hours and hours
this one's probably for you.
I had to take breaks from this dungeon from time to time, because it got really frustrating.
On the pro side it has very nice level designs (although the first levels had been totally linear, later it gets more open), new monsters, epic fights and looots of gameplay.
Re: The Crack of Doom Version 1.01 is Live
Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2024 11:43 pm
by DonEmilio
Maybe I'm ‘a bit late’, but better late than never xD
Regarding food: In my first gameplay I went for a long time without food, it's true.
The 3 golems: It wasn't challenging at all (playing on hard), in fact I passed it on the first try and without effort, you can kill each golem in an area of the map one by one and separately.
The 20 ogres: I don't remember.
Evil magician + 20 other monsters (x4): It's just stay in a corner and play with force fields and invisibility, if things get ugly you get out of there and go to another corner, but I admit that these fights did cost me "the first time", now that I have encountered more difficult situations in other mods I would not find it difficult at all, there are other resources that can be used that I didn't use in that game, such as freeze bombs (and fire and shock bombs) and better use of invisibility + backstab, potions of fury and speed (a mage with a speed potion can cast a force field every two seconds), etc...
I remember the part that was really hard for me in this mod was in the last level, a snowy area that was plagued by normal ratlings and some giant rats, without being a boss it was hard.