Eleven Warrior wrote:Hi guys well I have completed a demo dungeon for you to look at and tell me what you think.
perfect ! Huge thanks for sharing a progress. Few observations in case you are not aware:
- some objects (so far I find it for sx_town_wall_chain, sx_town_table) are clickable and when you click on it, it "open" the objects so it start to levitate up. please check

- sx_town_wall_lantern has weird particle, I suggest use regular one like it was (similar to torch)
- missing some objects (fireplace, flowers...)
- please make object sx_town_housewall also for 0 elevation (curently it is in height 1 by default so can be used only for two-floor houses)
- perhaps too late, but adding some tag for all sx_town objects could be fine for easy search in editor
I played with it a little and man this tileset is like a one fu*king puzzle

Now I remember how many hours I spent editing with it in Log1. Not sure if you saw this tileset in action or if you have Log1, in case you want check here is link.
I do not have any other comments, perhaps just one small request - I do not remember how (if) roof exactly was solved in Log1, however I desperately need some to use it for this tileset. I think just adding regular ceiling (or flooor) object with roof material in certain height will do the job.
as for your problems
6 - I still need to include sounds for the fountain, butt I think there are already water sounds in the editor.
I think every modder could add water sound easily just with sound object. I do not think there is ambient sound for stream however, you can add perhaps which was used in log1 (sx_stream)
7 - Mysblade had some extra town objects that are part of this set and I will include them soon in the next update. eg walls, people, church, etc...
sounds interesting !
8 - I want to know if anyone wants me to add farm houses, fences, fence pillar, bed, toilet, more tables and chairs, mine beds, winter village set to this demo?
I think I could use some probably, but not sure if mixing all together is good idea. Maybe in worst each modder could delete what he / she do not want to use...