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Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 2:48 am
by nianu
Lorebot wrote:If you're talking about the Fighter's Challenge room there's a lot of conflicting info about how to open it out there.
I was able to open it before I left level 6, the challenge that follows was pretty rough but I got through it on my 2nd try.
Good luck

thank you

yes i am referring to the fighter's challenge room. i have yet to open it O_O
the secret room for the oozes.. i have no idea what triggered that room to open. i just happened to back track and stumbled into it lol. i have no idea how i opened it. but yeah i'm sure i'll figure out how to open that door soon enough

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 3:14 am
by Lorebot
My best guess on how to open it is:
Obtain the Sword of Nex and be level 10 and the door should open. I spent some time power leveling my guys on lvl6 by farming the efrit in the hall of fire puzzle room. Most people seem to agree that you need the Sword of Nex, but the 2nd requirement is largely debated. But most people can't open the room till they've gone down to lvl7 and i was able to open it before then so I'm going to assume it would be a level based requirement. The challenge was TOUGH and I'm guessing a level requirement as well has having the sword would be a good measure of whether someone would be able to beat it or not. As I said I beat it on my 2nd try, but it took a lot of resources, luck, and some good tactical decisions to make it through.
Once you get to the challenge I wish you the best of luck
Also, what secret room for the oozes? I've found a couple secret rooms that contain or have oozes nearby.
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 3:31 am
by nianu
Lorebot wrote: what secret room for the oozes? I've found a couple secret rooms that contain or have oozes nearby.
there's a secret room on B3 that has a staircase that goes to B4 and there's a maze with slimes everywhere. i don't know how i opened up that room lol.
and thanx for the luck. i'll need it O_O
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 3:58 am
by Lorebot
nianu wrote:Lorebot wrote: what secret room for the oozes? I've found a couple secret rooms that contain or have oozes nearby.
there's a secret room on B3 that has a staircase that goes to B4 and there's a maze with slimes everywhere. i don't know how i opened up that room lol.
and thanx for the luck. i'll need it O_O
There's a button on the wall in the 2x2 room the staircase branches off of. The 2x2 room is linked to a silent switch off in the hallways to the south of it. You just walk around and the wall will slide open when you walk over the switch...and a couple mobs are in the room and come out to eat you when you do

I missed it on my first time through the dungeon, the only reason I went back was because I saw the branch off the room on your map and it wasn't on mine. So thanks

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 6:51 pm
by Leviatan
Awesome maps, really helped me track down those hidden goodies I had missed. (playing old school)
But yeah, found few secrets that ain't showing on your maps;
Level 4
In Beast Garden area, there is a hidden switch in one of those skeleton cages that opens door near the westmost cage (sorry, don't have coordinates and can't return to check exact point). Also, that lever in Level 4 main hall in that room that was full of those green critters just turns those four teleports on/off, I think they all turn off when gate to level 5 opens and those green insect thingys emerge.
Level 7
Again, don't have exact coordinates but before that hall with floor made of pitfalls is small room with 5 levers. Those levers open hidden area in the middle pillar of that room, not sure what was correct order to pull those levers tho', I just activated them on random and suddenly it worked. It might have something to do with that *click* sound they make when you activate them, some click when on up position and some when down.
Sorry about vague descriptions, don't have maps so I have to rely on my crude drawings and random written notes.
Anyway, keep up the good work.

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 7:07 pm
by nianu
okay i did ask you guys not to tell me what i'm missing. i know i'm not going to get all secrets. please let me finish the game before pointing them out

thank you!
edit: leviatan i understand you're trying to help me improve my maps and i will check out your hints but i won't until i've finished. i do appreciate that you put them in spoiler tags

thank you!
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 8:46 pm
by nianu
alrighty just finished B8

as you can see, i've made a mistake somewhere and two doors do not align. i tried my best to show where they are supposed to be. it's a tiny mistake and i'm sure it would take ages to find and fix the problem since the map is so big and confusing so i hope you guys don't mind me submitting it this way

took me a while because i played the entire level before mapping it because of children wanting the ipad lol i hoped it would make the mapping faster since i'd run through it already but no. lol. i will try not to do that in the future. almost done
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 2:10 am
by nianu
alrighty B9 yay. i was worried it was going to be hard because of all the chatter in this hint forum but it wasn't hard at all. i know there's a secret or two or ten i probably missed lol but point is i got through it and found everything i could. enjoy

just 4 to go!
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 6:06 am
by nianu
phew! alright folks. B10. i know there's a staircase i forgot to mark in the north western area. i don't know why i didn't draw it in. i must have been in a hurry to get out of there lol. all it was, was the way out of the pit. nothing spectacular. just fall in the pits and you'll find the stairs lol. i think i'm done for tonight. hopefully i'll be done tomorrow or the next day

good luck!
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:15 am
by DCJerboa
Hey Nianu... just figured I'd post my thanks. I had most of the secrets but were missing a few. I tracked back to the first level then used your maps to find a few I'd missed. I think it was level 4 on which the 4 blue haze transporters are no longer there to access old parts of the map, so I know I missed 1 secret on that level and thus won't be able to get the achievement, which sucks, but am grateful for those that I discovered thanks to your maps. I don't like missing stuff, and a few had some nice rewards (fighter gloves for example). I look forward to the remainder of the maps, since I'm yet to get at most of level 11. Time to fall down some pits on level 10.

I hate that pit fall sound ever since DM. I wish we had a rope.
p.s. thanks again.