Here's a concept of how 9x9 areas fit in one 32x32 grimrock level:

And, of course, people don't need to keep them perfectly square.Ryeath_Greystalk wrote:Good explanation Diarmuid, nice layout.
Might be a tad bit restrictive to some, but as long as the rules are clear up front it should work.
Don't worry, I'll make "special" stairs like in the castle tileset.Skuggasveinn wrote:Nice layout Diarmuid, I like this.
and for the stairs between levels, have the stairs go down into "nothing" (black space) where you have a silent invisible teleporter that takes you infront of the stairs on level 3, thats the easiest way to make stairs "jump" over one floor with out any scripting or timers.
The whole nine levels are actually thereNeikun wrote:Three levels of depth.. Wow, Diamuid!
The specific layout I mentioned wasn't meant to be anything more than a example to point our that spiderfighter would have an easier time organizing if he had advance notice on what was coming.Marble Mouth wrote:
@Ryeath_Greystalk I disagree with the specific layout that you offered, but not with the idea of planning a general floor layout. I actually think we would want a variety of puzzle, combat, and mini-games on each floor, so much as the submissions allow. As a player, that would hold my interest more effectively. I think it would be best to communicate planned room content privately, to minimize spoilers.