1: 24
2: Latvia
3: Oblivion (+mods\dlc's), Fallout:New Vegas, Icewind Dale 2, DarkStone, Diablo 2
4: thats a tough one... Quake 4, S.T.A.L.K.E.R CoP, ET:Quake Wars, Mirrors Edge, Killing Floor. Tbh, I love all Quake 1-4\Doom 1-3\Stalkers and like +100 more games

btw The Gun - what a nice game, oh and Gunman.

and Heavy Metal FAKK 2, and The Thing.k Ill stop now.
5: first Nintendo games, TMNT fightings, Tanks, Jackal , Life Force, Contra, Duck Hunt, some 2-3 helicopter games. There are realy many good games what influence my 8-12 years old mind.
on PC - Doom 2, Quake 2, Duke Nukem 3D - after all of these there was no turning back. I would also add what Terminator(1,2), Predator and Alien(s) were the movies what made me love FPS games and Sci-Fi setting even more, part of the reason I never was much in to Fantasy\RPG games, books, movies & lore. I was a kid who ran around with 1 stick, pretending it was a pulse rifle and the other stick was my hi-tech saber
6: Im an RPG cadet\newb at best, I love new RPGs\action games, tbh there are good games in every era. Its just i love more of new RPG\action\open world like games more.
7: PC and someday PS3 or PS4, those PS3 games win me over xbox, personally...Twisted Metal, Mortal Kombat, Motorstorm(s), Tekken, Resistance, etc. but I would love to get X-box if & when I can
8: 9\10 probably, Im a huge gaming fan, the games I dont play because of time\wish\money restrictions - i watch others play

Since Duck Hunt & Doom 2 Im a huge FPS fan, love games what FEELS rewarding if you got skill\play good, I find achievements only as a nice bonus and a bonus reason to replay a game what you love, and would replay anyway, but now also maybe trying some other option\play style.
Im worthlessly bad at multiplayer in RTS, but love C&C,Dune,WH games with passion.
Im good at singleplayer RPG\action rpg\slasher rpg games, love them with passion. the list would be too long to post here.
and I love many different games, not only videogames.
PS. my believes
about gaming :
1)Our Life is the most important Game.
2) everyone Plays, and Im not just talking about Life, in general people like competition, to be better, to achieve more, to boldly go where ..."ekkhmm". To be short - sport or table or video Games are part of our Culture and life.
3) Show Must Go On !
oh and I totally evaded any mention of Quest\RTT\Platformers\flying & car simulators I love, quick mention - Mario..NOT, Darkwing Duck all day long ! some Robin Hood platformer, PrinceOfPersia (including Two Thrones, but not later ones) Gorky 17, UFO:Aftermatch, Space Rangers 2: Dominators, Eurofighter typhoon (1st game I EVER personally buyed), Storm:Soldiers of sky, NeedForSpeed 5 : Porsche Unleashed (second game I personally buyed) and many, many russian fantasy& sci-fi\book adaptations in Quests (point & click puzzles & quests) .
If anyone REALLY cares - some Horror\Indie games Im in love & some looks on Indie gaming scene.
- Penumbra:BPlague, Amnesia, Resident Evil 3. Lugaru.
now waiting for Starbound & Overgrowth, they will be incredible.
Man, this is some really peak time for Indie developers. Legend of Grimrock made by 4 people ? With such a high quality, it blows my mind ! Amnesia 4-5 who never met each other while making the game. Terraria - 2 people, Minecraft - 1.
somehow from supporting BIG EA\Activison power houses, playing all top FPS games I got tired of, overpriced\overhyped, I find myself really enjoying Indie scene right now ! People, search for Indie games, support those whos ideas you like !
LoG team - you totally deserve 2+ million sales, as you with other INCREDIBLE Indie developers bring such an amazing quality in to gaming in this hard times for originality\ideas with BIG company's, many of which stuck producing copy\paste titles, not daring to even launch a new Title for diffferent game they make.
if you read this - Thank You ! and thanks WTF is Legend of Grimrock video so I can spend my money on something what is actually worth it, and where money goes to people who actually make the game with theyr talent & not just advertisements.

k Peace everyone, whatever you believe - you and your family - be healthy ! gl & hf