Timed Puzzle Help

This is the forum for helping you out if you're stuck or if you want to discuss the nitty gritty details of the dungeons within Mount Grimrock. Warning: forum contains spoilers!
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Re: Timed Puzzle Help

Post by Docsteve »

OK Thanks.
So how do I slow the game down?
I'm sorry to be so persistent about this but when I bought the game I didn't know about these time dependent events. If I had I wouldn't have bought it as I'm 68 years old and used to love playing the old dungeon crawl games which didn't have these things and I'm not dextrous enough now to do them quickly enough.
I need to resolve this problem now as reading the walkthroughs tells me there are many more and if I can't do this one I may as well give up and ask for a refund.
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Re: Timed Puzzle Help

Post by Komag »

The best you can do is use low rendering and low textures, then just get your mouse in the right spot ahead of time so you don't have to move it later, then memorize the steps you'll need to take with the turns, etc. Also keep in mind that only a very few of these quick puzzles are required, and the current one in question is not one of them, so you could just skip it and be fine.

As far as I know it's no longer possible to do that old slow game down hack
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Re: Timed Puzzle Help

Post by Docsteve »

OK. Very many thanks for all your help.
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Re: Timed Puzzle Help

Post by steyrhahn »

The Cheat Engine to slow down the game a little still seems to work. I needed to use it on level 7 to get past the spectral orbs and claim the chitin armor.
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