It's a secret bonus level meant for fun and probably won't make it in the final version

It's a pacman level and you will have to light up every single square. (eat all the dots)
I was planning on making the ghosts vulnerable when you grab the corner dots, but haven't had the time yet.
Once you have done that a message will appear that you have to find the exit. A teleporter will appear in the middle of the map in the ghost's hideout
You're supposed to enter the town straight away. I should have blocked the access to that part :p
Basically the entire "road to town" map needs a makeover. The crappy teleport puzzle that leads to the secret pacman stage will be deleted as well. It was basically the 2nd map when I started out exploring the editor a year ago and therefor looks like garbage ... 8eM:&vet=1
This is the layout
Turns out many playtesters decided to take the teleporter to town instead of going in manually. Messing up the order they completed their quests which resulted in an endgame crash. Don't take the teleporter in the woods!