I never created maps in games.. I don't think I had a map in my head... however I did know what the layout was. It's rather difficult to explain how the brain works!
It feels a bit funny looking at the map though... it's not quite a great big arrow pointing to the next side quest a la Bioware, but it feels a bit wrong! It's great the way the devs have put it as a choice, but limited that choice to the start of the game. That's precisely the way to do it.
Simmox wrote:im down at 7 i think,no mapping apart from memory
i do leave trails though,using the junk i dont need or can do without
i did the same in EOB and most of the others
I gotta remember to do that too. Great idea. I usually dump spent torches, been saving scrolls but I can write down spells or whatever is on them. Being a lifelong packrat can transfer to games like this SOOO easily!!
I'd take one of the four wooden clubs I was carrying and just bash open doors with it.
- if life were like Dungeon Master
I'd click FIREBALL much more on New Year's Eve
- if life were like Eye of the Beholder
I mapped all three EOB by hand, and I did not do it because I liked it. I did it because I wanted to explore everything, this was back in the early 90's so I did not have any internet either. Safe to say that the ingame map will forever be turned ON for me.
I just finished my first playthrough with my usual initial graphing work. After that I redo them all so the lines are fine and crisp and all the map fist neatly left or right justified. Then I playthrough a second time and add in more larger details. Then on my third playthrough I get to serious business with every little nuance mapped and labeled. That i how I did it back in the day and now I get to do it again. It brings back a lot of cool memories and yes at times is frustrating but by the end I know the dungeon with my eyes closed well not my eyes closed... I also do not need a map anymore... go figure
sapientCrow wrote:It brings back a lot of cool memories and yes at times is frustrating but by the end I know the dungeon with my eyes closed well not my eyes closed... I also do not need a map anymore... go figure
Sounds awesome, good work!
A gently fried snail slice is absolutely delicious with a pat of butter...
He...I used to play these games with friends, one of us appointed to draw the map. It was quite entertaining and actually the only way to know where we were.
The positive thing about a phisical map is that if you have to get back somewhere you can just look at the map and use the keyboard to get there...it's a lot faster (if you don't encounter any moster that is).
Since I have been drawing countless of maps back in the day I decided to go with the "new" school and have the automatic map. believe me...I still have blisters on my fingers
srs bsns, i use automap, for a number of reasons. part of it is because i like to believe any character that is going into a dungeon is smart enough to bring paper along so they dont get lost. another reason is because it is a time consuming process, and im all about "work smarter, not harder."