The Allure of Nightfall - Version 1.1

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Re: The Allure of Nightfall - Version 0.06

Post by Slayer82 »

Another update -

I am still trying to co-ordinate the various stages, so that there is some sort of sensibility to them.
It's easy to place an asset here and there, or create a boss fight without any logical flow. This is why the mod is taking so long.

Out of the fifteen or so stages, I feel that four are 95% complete, with the other levels lagging behind in completion.

It's still a long way off; a result of 'life' getting in the way, but I feel it's slowly getting there.

I will try and upload some new screen shots on Imgur when I get some more free time.

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Re: The Allure of Nightfall - Version 0.04

Post by Pompidom »

Totally understandable

Just take your time and only work on it when you' re really feeling up to it or have some inspiration.
You have all the time in the world.

Sometimes I don't touch my mod for a week and then work at it 8 hours non stop simply because I feel like doing in a burst of creativity.

I also noticed I'm good at indoor creativity, but completely suck at outdoor forest and beach areas. So I'm just creating a bunch of individual maps that I will shuffle later around like a jigsaw puzzle. If you need some creativity, I can always send you the latest version of my mod which you can draw some inspiration :)

Isle of the deranged was one of the very few default mods that I liked considering it was made without custom assets. And basically a hobo simulator. With that I mean more or less the same setup like the default log2 campaign. So I'm sure I will probably like your allure mod as well.
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Re: The Allure of Nightfall - Version 0.05

Post by Slayer82 »

I'm still chipping away at the mod.

I have cleaned a lot of the 'completed' stages as they were not as finished as I once thought.

So much more to do; essentially, I just need spare time... Something that life just doesn't allow . 8-)

It's nice to update with videos and screenshots, but I'll just keep working at it and try to release it late this year or early next.

I just hope it's equal to my first mod. :)

When I get time, I will definitely try and inform you all of my progress. In the meantime, please know that I'm still working on it.
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Re: The Allure of Nightfall - Version 0.05

Post by andyroosta »

Keep going Slayer82! Looking forward to trying it as i really liked your previous mod. Cheers.
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Re: The Allure of Nightfall - Version 0.05

Post by Slayer82 »

Thanks, man.

I often think I haven't done that much, but when I do test playthroughs there's a lot of content to play.

There are a lot of new weapons and assets that separate it from Isle of the Deranged, which makes it more unique.
People should like it, but the theme and goals differ from my previous mod.

I'm really trying to finish it this year, but it should be early 2019. As usual I'll keep everyone updated.
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Re: The Allure of Nightfall - Version 0.05

Post by Torst »

We stay tuned ;)

Thx for the info.
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Re: The Allure of Nightfall - Version 0.05

Post by Slayer82 »

I've been so busy of late, that I haven't been able to update the mod in a long time.

I recently loaded it again to find a software failure issue, so I'm looking into that.

The mod will come out eventually.
I'm sorry its taking so long, but it will be released. Once I fix this issue I'll get stuck into it again.

Thanks for your patience and remember that it's not a dead mod. :)
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Re: The Allure of Nightfall - Version 0.05

Post by Slayer82 »


Campsite within the hedge maze.

The puzzle elements are being worked on for the stage 'Nether Crossing' now.
I've added mini-bosses as well as miscellaneous items for the adventurer.
There's still so much to do...
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Re: The Allure of Nightfall - Version 0.05

Post by Slayer82 »


Development of the stage 'Arcanum Terrain'.

Adding quest and puzzle elements for the stage now.
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Re: The Allure of Nightfall - Version 0.05

Post by Torst »

Nice to hear and see. !
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