Still no way...I can not hit the statues and the way is closed by two wooden beds. Are you sure that there is no bug over there? I really can not interact with the two black statues on the sides...mmmmResu wrote:Destroy them!Lorenz wrote:Ahhh! Thx!
I have been able to reach lvl 30 "The mines" after I got the red/blue/green keys...but after the initial columns I am stuck. It seems a dead end, there are two statues but I have no
clue about what to do...anyone can help me?
Thank you!
[MOD] Survive 4.0 Ultimate Edition
Re: [MOD] Survive 2.0
Re: [MOD] Survive 2.0
Damn! you are right Lorenz! this is not a bug, but my mistake. I placed beds instead of barrels.. i will update my Version as soon as I can.. (done!) i am sorry. I will remove one bed. Thank you for noticing and telling meLorenz wrote:Still no way...I can not hit the statues and the way is closed by two wooden beds. Are you sure that there is no bug over there? I really can not interact with the two black statues on the sides...mmmmResu wrote:Destroy them!Lorenz wrote:Ahhh! Thx!
I have been able to reach lvl 30 "The mines" after I got the red/blue/green keys...but after the initial columns I am stuck. It seems a dead end, there are two statues but I have no
clue about what to do...anyone can help me?
Thank you!

Re: [MOD] Survive 2.0
O.O Just downloaded latest version, but still beds everywhereResu wrote: Damn! you are right Lorenz! this is not a bug, but my mistake. I placed beds instead of barrels.. i will update my Version as soon as I can.. (done!) i am sorry. I will remove one bed. Thank you for noticing and telling me

And thx for the support and for creating this great fighting mod! Very funny!
Re: [MOD] Survive 2.0
I said it already a few times.. the new Version does not effekt your save game.. so as sad as it is.. you have to start a new game OR work with Console to remove one of the beds.. if you would like to know the exact name of the beds i can help you out, so you can remove it with console commands.Lorenz wrote:O.O Just downloaded latest version, but still beds everywhereResu wrote: Damn! you are right Lorenz! this is not a bug, but my mistake. I placed beds instead of barrels.. i will update my Version as soon as I can.. (done!) i am sorry. I will remove one bed. Thank you for noticing and telling meWill wait for a correct version.
And thx for the support and for creating this great fighting mod! Very funny!
Funny? haha ok! i am glad you have a good time man!
Re: [MOD] Survive 2.0
Oh...I did not know this thing about savegames...-.-
I will try to see what I am able to do with the console...I dont think I am able to use it in order to know the required information about beds...maybe I am able to use teleport to jump after the beds...let's see what I am able to do...!
I will try to see what I am able to do with the console...I dont think I am able to use it in order to know the required information about beds...maybe I am able to use teleport to jump after the beds...let's see what I am able to do...!

Re: [MOD] Survive 2.0
you just have to figure out how the console is activated and the command for removing things (This is described very well earlier in this thread by Isaac - Thank you!) The Name of the Bed ingame is "mine_beds02_2"
Re: [MOD] Survive 2.0
End! Stuck in lvl 31....only choice...death!
Any hint (pleaaasseee!) for the alternative ending? Can I escape from lvl 31?
Any hint (pleaaasseee!) for the alternative ending? Can I escape from lvl 31?

Re: [MOD] Survive 2.0
CongratulationsLorenz wrote:End! Stuck in lvl 31....only choice...death!
Any hint (pleaaasseee!) for the alternative ending? Can I escape from lvl 31?

If you want to find the 3 secret Levels and the Secret Ending you should check out "The Mines" 
But remember that you need a Master Key for that. Good Luck!

But remember that you need a Master Key for that. Good Luck!
Last edited by Resu on Thu Oct 20, 2016 2:24 am, edited 2 times in total.
Re: [MOD] Survive 2.0
Eheh thx for the congratulations! I am checking "The mines" but nothing until now...I have the master key anyway ^^
I tried to check for invisible wall or a wall that can be destroyed...but seems very hard to find something..a clue....
I tried to check for invisible wall or a wall that can be destroyed...but seems very hard to find something..a clue....
Re: [MOD] Survive 2.0
Secret Places usually are revealed by secret ButtonsLorenz wrote:Eheh thx for the congratulations! I am checking "The mines" but nothing until now...I have the master key anyway ^^
I tried to check for invisible wall or a wall that can be destroyed...but seems very hard to find something..a clue....

Update: I noticed another Error in this Version. In the first Secret Level, if you enter it, there is a point you cant proceed further cause of missing button connections. Although I updated the Version and fixed the error, you need to use console to proceed into level 33 with Version 2.02. So you have to open this door with console: "southern_temple_door_iron_4". This is especially important for you @Lorenz, cause the other people will download the new fixed Version hopefully

I also removed the unequip Bug with Razor Claws.
So i hope Version 2.03 now is "flawless" and can be completely played through without console