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Re: To those who have completed the game. [Major spoilers]

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 12:41 am
by Saice
Loved the game over all. Had fun enjoyed the puzzles made me miss DM a lot.

WTH Cube? Is it just me or is the undying one just seem like an odd thing to build a huge dungeon to trap? I mean we don't really know what he can do other then roll over people. He could be defeated with a tall enough wall it seems. I was really hoping there would have been a bit more explained as to why he had to be imprisoned in the first place. Sure indestructible death cube could be a problem but its one that could be stopped with a wall or pit. For my own personal reasons I have sort of decided the death cube (his new name btw) had some power to summon monsters (assuming by how the end fight plays out) and that was the reason to trapping him. You know because being an unstoppable cube is not so cool... but being an unstoppable cube that can summon armies of monsters now that is something I would worry about.

Re: To those who have completed the game. [Major spoilers]

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 5:33 am
by Tenzek
Saice wrote:Loved the game over all. Had fun enjoyed the puzzles made me miss DM a lot.

He could be defeated with a tall enough wall it seems.
You mean like...
the ones on all sides of the room that he's imprisoned in?
Or maybe a large mountain.

Re: To those who have completed the game. [Major spoilers]

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 6:03 am
by Saice
Tenzek wrote:
Saice wrote:Loved the game over all. Had fun enjoyed the puzzles made me miss DM a lot.

He could be defeated with a tall enough wall it seems.
You mean like...
the ones on all sides of the room that he's imprisoned in?
Or maybe a large mountain.
Yes but really... Seems like over kill for what his threat was. So I can only assume there some but of lore we are missing to why something so easy to kill had to be locked up so special like.

Re: To those who have completed the game. [Major spoilers]

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 6:12 am
by Velvetwinter
Awesome game!

I found Toorum's Remains on level 11 and brought them to a Life Stone which unlocked the achievement and secret character. I'll look forward to running it again as Toorum only (create a single character with his name after the achievement), he's really fast and has great stats!

Re: To those who have completed the game. [Major spoilers]

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 7:09 am
by Sol_HSA
Saice wrote:Yes but really... Seems like over kill for what his threat was. So I can only assume there some but of lore we are missing to why something so easy to kill had to be locked up so special like.
I'd assume the cube wasn't using its full power yet, just wanted to squish you to get over it.

Re: To those who have completed the game. [Major spoilers]

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 7:18 am
by Saice
Sol_HSA wrote:
Saice wrote:Yes but really... Seems like over kill for what his threat was. So I can only assume there some but of lore we are missing to why something so easy to kill had to be locked up so special like.
I'd assume the cube wasn't using its full power yet, just wanted to squish you to get over it.
Judging by his dialog during the fight I'd would has to ask why. Why would he not use his 'full' power? He seems really intent on killing you I think someone in that mind set would pull out their big guns instead of trying to just squish me. I might buy he was in some weaken state but then why kill me I wanted to leave he could have just let me and then would have been free to do what ever his evil plans were.

Re: To those who have completed the game. [Major spoilers]

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 6:50 pm
by bropalm
I just finished the game. The boss was cool and unexpected, and the fight was challenging. Although, I was kinda expecting the game would continue after it's death seeing as there were lots of locked doors and empty space on the map, so as the credits rolled I felt like I had missed a lot. Checking the forums now it seems I didn't miss anything of value.

For something that had to be imprisoned deep inside a dungeon mountain it didn't seem very powerful, though. Makes me wonder why the designers didn't just kill it, they had a good weapon and all. Oh well, the story doesn't need to make that much sense to me, I'm in it for the gameplay :)

Re: To those who have completed the game. [Major spoilers]

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 11:14 pm
by Blue
anybody have a savegame for level 8 or up to 11 their could upload plz
i like to unlock the character toorum, and all my own saves are at the boss :(
okay don't need it anymore for toorums reamins, but if anyone else needs it

well heres a link with toorums reamins for other players

Re: To those who have completed the game. [Major spoilers]

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 1:37 am
by Gweylorth
Hi all, just completed the game !

Many of you are talking about a new Toorum character, unlocked when you finished the game. I can't seem to find anything like that, although I did find his bones and brought him to a Cristal...

Also, great game ! Really loved it, even though I'm not a Dungeon Crawler player (the closest game I spent hours on are Might & Magic VI and VII). Would definitely play it again, with a new dungeon !

But the ending seemed pretty... dull. I mean, no music for a final boss fight ? The end credits track would have fitted so well ! And this giant cube... meh. Okay, but definitely less fun than the first encounter with an Ogre.

Still, thanks for this awesome game !

EDIT : Nvm, found a thread about the Toorum secret. \o/

Re: To those who have completed the game. [Major spoilers]

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 9:49 am
by osashta
The final boss was definitely unique, however, I really was hoping for something more massive and epic. I'm powerleveling my party and unfortunately I feel i'm going to have more fun dominating the Goromorgs rather than the final boss for the sole reason that the final boss...
is just a cube
. the Goromorgs are freaken mini cthulu's XP