[MOD] LABYRINTH OF LIES - v3.6 Release

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Re: [MOD] LABYRINTH OF LIES - v3.6 Release

Post by wagtunes »

Well, while it appears that Akroma won't be returning to the forum (hope he's okay) this dungeon is broken beyond repair.

I decided to try to jump down the pit to the Frozen Palace and spell cast my way through it. It appears that, with that timer still going and my playing for days since, every square in that level contains either a lizard or a bird. There is no place to go. I fought valiantly (resting up to recharge my energy while surrounded by lizards as they do almost no damage to me) but I could only hold out so long. Eventually, making my way out of that room, I ran into a room full of birds. I was 2 squares away from what appeared to be a portal but died before making my way to it.

So I have two choices.

1. Reload my saved game from level 10.

2. Give up.

I wouldn't mind just continuing from my most recent saved game but with those messages constantly going off it's beyond nerve wracking.

Is there some kind of hack I can do in the console to turn off those messages? That's the only thing I can think of.

Anyway, I've kind of reached the end of my rope with this one. Absolutely the most brutal dungeon crawl I have ever played in over 35 years of doing these.
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Re: [MOD] LABYRINTH OF LIES - v3.6 Release

Post by wagtunes »

Well, after getting somebody to give me a script to clear out level 13 due to the runaway timer and getting rid of the last eggs and stopping the messages from popping up after returning to level 12, I am actually truly stuck.

I got the following error when the timer ran out after blink gating to Aetherworld.
#blinkgateScript:226: attempt to index global 'party' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'error'
[string "ScriptInterface.lua"]: in function 'setPosition'
#blinkgateScript:226: in function <#blinkgateScript:213>
[string "ScriptEntity.lua"]: in function 'onMessageReceived'
[string "MessageSystem.lua"]: in function 'sendMessageToEntity'
[string "MessageSystem.lua"]: in function 'broadcastMessage'
[string "TriggerEvents.lua"]: in function 'fire'
[string "Timer.lua"]: in function 'update'
[string "Map.lua"]: in function 'updateEntities'
[string "Dungeon.lua"]: in function 'updateLevels'
[string "GameMode.lua"]: in function 'update'
[string "Grimrock.lua"]: in function 'display'
[string "Grimrock.lua"]: in main chunk

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State flags: 00200008
So that pretty much ends my run on this dungeon. I doubt this is something that can be fixed and even if it can, it would mean my having to start the game all over. And that's not happening.

Was really looking forward to attempting to finish this but if the code blows up on me there's not much I can do.

Thanks again for a great dungeon. I know how hard it must be to playtest these things. Unfortunately, sometimes errors like these happen.

Oh well, back to Bloodwych or ORR2 or something else.

It's been fun.
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Re: [MOD] LABYRINTH OF LIES - v3.6 Release

Post by Zo Kath Ra »

wagtunes wrote: Sat Dec 15, 2018 11:03 pm #blinkgateScript:226: attempt to index global 'party' (a nil value)
This is an "impossible" bug.
party is always defined, and there's no party:destroy() function.

blinkgateScript:224 = party:playScreenEffect("cold_glow")
blinkgateScript:225 = hudPrint("The Blink Gate has collapsed ... you are returned.")
blinkgateScript:226 = party:setPosition(b.x, b.y,b.facing, b.level)

If line 224 doesn't crash the game, why should line 226?

Maybe LoL uses too much memory and that messes everything up.
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Re: [MOD] LABYRINTH OF LIES - v3.6 Release

Post by wagtunes »

Zo Kath Ra wrote: Sun Dec 16, 2018 4:57 pm
wagtunes wrote: Sat Dec 15, 2018 11:03 pm #blinkgateScript:226: attempt to index global 'party' (a nil value)
This is an "impossible" bug.
party is always defined, and there's no party:destroy() function.

blinkgateScript:224 = party:playScreenEffect("cold_glow")
blinkgateScript:225 = hudPrint("The Blink Gate has collapsed ... you are returned.")
blinkgateScript:226 = party:setPosition(b.x, b.y,b.facing, b.level)

If line 224 doesn't crash the game, why should line 226?

Maybe LoL uses too much memory and that messes everything up.
I don't know why the game crashed. All I know is it did. Yeah, maybe too much memory. He has a zillion things going on at one time, plus, as he confessed, timers that he failed to shut off when he should have. So there's probably a lot of housekeeping that should have been done that wasn't done.

Anyway, it's all moot. The game crashes so I'm moving on.

Hopefully, he'll return and possibly explain what's going on.
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Re: [MOD] LABYRINTH OF LIES - v3.6 Release

Post by Pompidom »

Just patch the game with the 4 GB patch. If you made it this far. It would be a shame not to finish it :) because of some memory leak.
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Re: [MOD] LABYRINTH OF LIES - v3.6 Release

Post by minmay »

Zo Kath Ra wrote: Sun Dec 16, 2018 4:57 pm
wagtunes wrote: Sat Dec 15, 2018 11:03 pm #blinkgateScript:226: attempt to index global 'party' (a nil value)
This is an "impossible" bug.
party is always defined, and there's no party:destroy() function.

blinkgateScript:224 = party:playScreenEffect("cold_glow")
blinkgateScript:225 = hudPrint("The Blink Gate has collapsed ... you are returned.")
blinkgateScript:226 = party:setPosition(b.x, b.y,b.facing, b.level)

If line 224 doesn't crash the game, why should line 226?
Notice that the error happened inside the setPosition() call, which has a different environment from script entities. It is unlikely that memory corruption is to blame here.
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Re: [MOD] LABYRINTH OF LIES - v3.6 Release

Post by HypnoToad »

Pompidom wrote: Tue Dec 18, 2018 12:03 am Just patch the game with the 4 GB patch. If you made it this far. It would be a shame not to finish it :) because of some memory leak.
Doesn't he already have the 4gb patch?
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Re: [MOD] LABYRINTH OF LIES - v3.6 Release

Post by wagtunes »

HypnoToad wrote: Wed Dec 19, 2018 11:43 pm
Pompidom wrote: Tue Dec 18, 2018 12:03 am Just patch the game with the 4 GB patch. If you made it this far. It would be a shame not to finish it :) because of some memory leak.
Doesn't he already have the 4gb patch?
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Yeah, I bought this game like 6 years after it was released so I'm sure I have the latest version.
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Re: [MOD] LABYRINTH OF LIES - v3.6 Release

Post by wagtunes »

You're insane.

Oh well, I decided to skip the section that was causing the error, hoping, after I watched the last videos of how this thing ends, that I could make it through to the end. I've made it up to level 3 or 4 I think it is where those lich lords or whatever they are start throwing rocks or whatever they are at you? 6 in a room, taking like 200 points of damage with each spell cast against you, is beyond the point of absurdity.

Now let me tell you what I had to do to even get this far.

For starters, I started with a party at level 46. Bloodwych has a thing at the beginning where you take this challenge and if you get through it, you go up a level. Well, I just kept restarting the game, using an existing party, so eventually I made it up to level 46. I figured that would be good enough to beat any game.

Then, I hacked the console once I got far enough in where I knew I wasn't getting these doors open having opened one door before another and locking myself out of getting one key. After that, I said heck with the keys. If I saw a door or gate, I opened it through the console. I even ran the kill all monsters script in order to clear out Frozen North because of that bug where the timer didn't shut off and it spawned a gazillion creatures throughout the level.

So yeah, I guess I could just run that script again here but then at that point all I'm doing is making my way up the levels until I open the final door. Kind of pointless.

The end game creatures are impossible. I don't see how any normally generated party gets through this.

This could have been such an amazing adventure, with a reasonable degree of difficulty. But this is so over the top that I've reached the point of exasperation.

I have spent over 50 years on this dungeon, which is probably twice as long as I've ever spent on any dungeon on any game ever. But I've met my match. I might just kill everything just to be able to see the end credits but that's about it. I'm at the point where I can't gain anymore levels (I need like 12 billion to get to level 47) so my party isn't getting any stronger than it is.

In spite of my frustration right now, this has still been quite an experience. I don't think I've ever encountered a dungeon crawler quite like this. On a purely creative and intricacy level, nothing I've ever played comes close. But the game is tainted due to the unreasonable degree of difficulty.

I wonder, aside from yourself, has anybody ever finished this thing?

If so, how the hell did they do it?
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Re: [MOD] LABYRINTH OF LIES - v3.6 Release

Post by HypnoToad »

If you watch the authors videos, he is very very good at fighting, he can move his players around with ease during a fight, reminds me of this kid we knew years ago, he would complain that video games were not hard enough. We thought yeah right until one day at our house my son was playing Speedball on the old Amiga. This kid had a go and was actually playing with the game itself, that is he was toying with it, we hadn't seen anything like it, so what's hard to someone (like me) maybe easy to someone else.
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