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Re: [MOD] Call Of House Hardabar

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 7:56 am
by alois
ene wrote: Fri Apr 21, 2023 1:49 am In level 1, 2 secrets in this area.. for the life of me, i'm not able to reach either of these :oops: :cry:

What are we supposed to do with the control device and the explosives?

I found 3 survival keys at first but managed to lost 1 :| now only 2 left, things are getting better & better,i am doomed here forever i think

ah yes, something to do with the head saying (roughly) 'fatality or you have missed something' ?

And finally, still in l1, nw, can't find the key for this corridor. It says in the corner area, but no, ccliclclickclick gives nothing (okok i also tried other stuff), utterly depressed i shall say

it can't be that difficult in the end, there's something i should but cannot see. can't say i'm proud of my journey so far
For the northmost secret in the first picture, you need explosives/control device (if you look the map, there are zones of debris, which may be destroyed...); for the southern secret, you need the four survival keys to enter the survival chambers and find something which will let you in. For the "?" blue part, you need a key, which is in one of the two secret zones :)

Alois :)

Re: [MOD] Call Of House Hardabar

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 4:47 pm
by ene
Managed to find the secret near the magic stones in Core at least, at last (coming form ravenkul pass), that's 6/6 here

alois wrote: Fri Apr 21, 2023 7:56 am
ene wrote: Fri Apr 21, 2023 1:49 am In level 1, 2 secrets in this area.. for the life of me, i'm not able to reach either of these :oops: :cry:

What are we supposed to do with the control device and the explosives?

I found 3 survival keys at first but managed to lost 1 :| now only 2 left, things are getting better & better,i am doomed here forever i think

ah yes, something to do with the head saying (roughly) 'fatality or you have missed something' ?

And finally, still in l1, nw, can't find the key for this corridor. It says in the corner area, but no, ccliclclickclick gives nothing (okok i also tried other stuff), utterly depressed i shall say

it can't be that difficult in the end, there's something i should but cannot see. can't say i'm proud of my journey so far
For the northmost secret in the first picture, you need explosives/control device (if you look the map, there are zones of debris, which may be destroyed...); for the southern secret, you need the four survival keys to enter the survival chambers and find something which will let you in. For the "?" blue part, you need a key, which is in one of the two secret zones :)

Alois :)
Well, thank you very much Alois! you have no idea how much hard i've been searching for these 2 ones !

I did use the explosives and the control device near the debris, but somehow nothing happened? Maybe i tried with 1 explosive only? hmm, bad luck..

My current big, serious, very annoying problem is that i can't get my hand on 2 of the 4 survival keys remaining.. And i visited every places several times, clicked again and again everywhere, used the ring bell :D .. well everything i could, i think i tried, but no luck

Re: [MOD] Call Of House Hardabar

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 4:56 pm
by alois
ene wrote: Fri Apr 21, 2023 4:47 pm I did use the explosives and the control device near the debris, but somehow nothing happened? Maybe i tried with 1 explosive only? hmm, bad luck..
You need to put three explosives in three different places, and then the control device
ene wrote: Fri Apr 21, 2023 4:47 pm My current big, serious, very annoying problem is that i can't get my hand on 2 of the 4 survival keys remaining.. And i visited every places several times, clicked again and again everywhere, used the ring bell :D .. well everything i could, i think i tried, but no luck
Did you check all the walls which may be fake? (just a suggestion, I do not remember exactly where they were...)

Alois :)

Re: [MOD] Call Of House Hardabar

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2023 8:14 pm
by Polixenes
I'm really enjoying this mod so far, though I haven't got far...just into the grounds of the castle.

I'm curious about a few things so far.

Cistern area - I can't figure out the ladder, it looks like it is blocked by vines and has a chain extending up from there. In a nearby room there is a platform suspended by a chain up in the ceiling. I'm guessing solving one will solve the other but I'm stumped. Also the automap shows 2 of the floor grates with a circular image, and I'm assuming that's part of the issue but I am stuck here.

There is a swirly blue object (portal maybe?) upstairs and though it chimed the first time I stepped on it I can't figure out what to do with it. Maybe it turns out to be a portal back to the castle at a later stage of the game.

The room with the invisible rat character that says "Hey! That's my torch!" Is that a puzzle to be solved or is it flavour? In that same room there are wardrums beating if you step on certain squares but I can't figure out what they symbolise.

The Gardener - I guess he was scripted to appear after I had accomplished certain tasks, but he has dialogue the 3rd or 4th time I returned to the Gardener Quarter. My dialogue with him included me asking about a door "south of here". I don't know which door that might mean.

There is a secret area south of the dining room. I can see into it from the ledge above the dining room. A few pages back in the forum someone said the access to this place involves searching near the Interior Garden. But I have clicked, pickaxed or headbutted everything anywhere near or in the Garden and its secret areas with no success. Big hint please or spoiler?

I had to resort to looking at a spoiler for the magic bridge high up in the ceiling on the top floor. I wonder how I was supposed to figure that one out by myself...guessing to press a button that already had some other purpose and then run around fast to find what it did when there was no clue that it actually did anything. I think maybe a sound to clue you in that something was happening would have been useful.

Puzzled as to why when I first go upstairs I am attacked by guards. Didn't they get the memo that their Lord's nephew/niece was visiting and had the right to look around?

Why are some character's invisible (gardener, snake hair girl and the bedroom rat concerned about his torch)?

On an upper floor 2 floor grates turned into climbable pits but they don't go anywhere interesting. Am I missing something with them?

Anyway, loving this mod but could use a tiny bit of help on some of the above.

Re: [MOD] Call Of House Hardabar

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2023 9:12 am
by bongobeat
marten_1992 wrote: Thu Apr 20, 2023 8:20 am thx bongobeat :D
that indeed did help me a lot, found the battlehammer finally, unfortunately I am still missing the moonstone, mixed it with gem of the moon, will keep looking
the airship is only a faster way of transportation to skycity I think !?
in the western rhun island map there s an invisible rock, that s supposed to be that way ??
and I am not able to follow the den of thieves quest, talked to the rat in the palace and got the hint from the ogre about nightly activities but though I did wait in different places through the night nothing happened, did I miss something ?
will the intendant s office be reacheable later in the game ?
thx again for making this great mod bongobeat :D :D :D
For the airship: yes.
The moonstone is in a buried chest in rhun island, "eastern" part of the temple entrance.
The map that shows that chest is placed on a pedestal in the very eastern part, near the level transition for deadmarch west.

About an invisible rock, you mean you encountered an invisible obstacle that is showed as a rock on the automap? Can you be more precise please?

About den of thieves quest: you're missing a dialogue with a trickster in the plaza,
then a "thief" in the housing level.

The "real" office of the intendant will not be accessible.
ene wrote: Fri Apr 21, 2023 1:49 am hhm peharps i can give my 2 cents here..

i'm utterly stuck in obanyon, i really don't know what went wrong? I checked all places again but strugglling to find the vault area :oops: i have disabled the forcefield in 'Deep' but no way for me to find the place.

Perharps i found it but didn't notice for some reason?

in Core, near the magic stones, a secret nearby, but don't how to reveal it.. With the magic stones again peharps? or not at all?

In level 1, 2 secrets in this area.. for the life of me, i'm not able to reach either of these :oops: :cry:

What are we supposed to do with the control device and the explosives?

I found 3 survival keys at first but managed to lost 1 :| now only 2 left, things are getting better & better,i am doomed here forever i think

ah yes, something to do with the head saying (roughly) 'fatality or you have missed something' ?

And finally, still in l1, nw, can't find the key for this corridor. It says in the corner area, but no, ccliclclickclick gives nothing (okok i also tried other stuff), utterly depressed i shall say

it can't be that difficult in the end, there's something i should but cannot see. can't say i'm proud of my journey so far
In core: that secret is only available from the outside, in the northern part of ravanakul level.
As Alois answered, for the "center" secret, you need 3 explosives and you need to put one in each central cave in. Only after that you can use the remote device.
The southern secret may be accessible later, once you enter the survival chamber.

'fatality atc..' is only intended to alert the player, if you missed the fake wall before that, the one where you have a button about "blocking bars".

In the treasury area, that key can be found after you find the southern secret in the level 1.
ene wrote: Fri Apr 21, 2023 6:20 am it seems in the end i only found 2 survival key. I reload an old save, only seeking keys in obanyon..

- 4 (or 3) treasures keys
- 3 engraved keys
- 2 survival keys
- 1 vault key

s.ks that i found:
level 2, in the long corridor with the beam lasers, 'core', southpart, in the little room with cross-like shape
I realise that i need the 4x survival keys to access the vault, but was able to find only 2 of them it seems (was convinced to have found at least 3).

hmhm, very average in the end
Engraved keys:
those are "standard" keys, and open standards door. Like the large door of the core level, the southern door that leads to the survival chambers way.
Vault key, is for the vault area, in level 2, that is after
"the corridor" of the mentat.
As for the survival key:
one is in the vault.
another one is in the southern part of the chapel area (core).
another one is in the western part of the chapel area (core).
the last is in the central area (cave in) of the level 1.
Well, check your inventory if you think you missed a key, are you sure it is not in a very far bag in some of your character inventory? In the other hands?
Polixenes wrote: Sat Apr 22, 2023 8:14 pm I'm really enjoying this mod so far, though I haven't got far...just into the grounds of the castle.

I'm curious about a few things so far.

Cistern area - I can't figure out the ladder, it looks like it is blocked by vines and has a chain extending up from there. In a nearby room there is a platform suspended by a chain up in the ceiling. I'm guessing solving one will solve the other but I'm stumped. Also the automap shows 2 of the floor grates with a circular image, and I'm assuming that's part of the issue but I am stuck here.

That ladder is a fake ladder, it is intended to shows how the ratling entered the castle.

There is a swirly blue object (portal maybe?) upstairs and though it chimed the first time I stepped on it I can't figure out what to do with it. Maybe it turns out to be a portal back to the castle at a later stage of the game.

Is that object in level 1, north of your room? If yes it is a teleport accessible later.

The room with the invisible rat character that says "Hey! That's my torch!" Is that a puzzle to be solved or is it flavour? In that same room there are wardrums beating if you step on certain squares but I can't figure out what they symbolise.

It is flavour, though I do not understand what flavour can mean, but it is definetely not a puzzle.
the drum sounds are from the ratling making music.

The Gardener - I guess he was scripted to appear after I had accomplished certain tasks, but he has dialogue the 3rd or 4th time I returned to the Gardener Quarter. My dialogue with him included me asking about a door "south of here". I don't know which door that might mean.
The gardener dialogue shows itself, after you discover the relic in the underground. It talks about the surrounding areas of the castle, and what you can do next.

There is a secret area south of the dining room. I can see into it from the ledge above the dining room. A few pages back in the forum someone said the access to this place involves searching near the Interior Garden. But I have clicked, pickaxed or headbutted everything anywhere near or in the Garden and its secret areas with no success. Big hint please or spoiler?

You have missed a breaking wall in the interior garden.

I had to resort to looking at a spoiler for the magic bridge high up in the ceiling on the top floor. I wonder how I was supposed to figure that one out by myself...guessing to press a button that already had some other purpose and then run around fast to find what it did when there was no clue that it actually did anything. I think maybe a sound to clue you in that something was happening would have been useful.

Puzzled as to why when I first go upstairs I am attacked by guards. Didn't they get the memo that their Lord's nephew/niece was visiting and had the right to look around?

Well, this is to "get some action" in the castle.

Why are some character's invisible (gardener, snake hair girl and the bedroom rat concerned about his torch)?

Because I never put a 3d model to see them.

On an upper floor 2 floor grates turned into climbable pits but they don't go anywhere interesting. Am I missing something with them?

If you're talking about the 2 pits in the level 2nd stairs covered with bridge, this is normal and nothing has to be done with those pits. In a very early version you could use those pits to fall back on the 1st stairs, but it is condemned now.

Anyway, loving this mod but could use a tiny bit of help on some of the above.

Re: [MOD] Call Of House Hardabar

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2023 9:50 am
by Polixenes
Thanks for your help bongobeat. I found the hidden passageways now.

I have to confess I restarted on Easy as Normal fights were way too hard for me. Now I don't have to retreat to the Life Crystal after each fight (or sometimes midway through each fight!).

I found some extra stuff I missed this time through, although this time I can't remember where I found the Invisibility spell scroll last time. Can someone remind me?

I seem to be stuck now. I have two chests I can't open yet because of lockpicks. One of them is just after the Nergal fight, so I hope that chest doesn't hold the 3rd green gem I need.

I have explored every part of the map I am able to, even with those leaf elementals that I can't harm which force me countless reloads when they trap me in a blind alley. Is there a Dispel scroll or weapon hiding somewhere in chapter 1?

There are gates in the mine I can't open, one with the red wheels/handles (it seems I need to find a toolbox to repair them) and one with a lava pool behind it, so I seem to be stuck there.

I can't remove the blue barrier in west gate forest which hides an altar where I think the riddle is looking for a glove. ("what has 5 fingers" etc.)

I can't remove the blue barrier blocking me up in the sky area, but maybe I need the 3 green gems for that. I have a green gem from the flying thing in the sky and from the spirit trap in the cemetery. Not sure where the 3rd gem is but I do have a couple of locked chests with no lockpicks.

I can't enter the cave which has the ogre NPC guarding it - the one that jokes about eating us.

I can't figure out what to do in the Thieves dungeon. The glowing statue looks like it will accept an item but nothing has worked for me yet. (EDIT: I just remembered the note by the castle door telling us what the thieves like...I'll try that item next time I play).

I've killed 3 underground bosses - Nergal, cannon rat and Lokar (Rokar?). Returned the crown to the leprechaun in the castle.

Do you have a suggestion where I should be looking next, because I can't see any unexplored places left on my map.

This mod is a lot of fun by the way :)

Re: [MOD] Call Of House Hardabar

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2023 6:31 pm
by Polixenes
Replying to myself - I have made progress - figured out how to place the glove and this opened up new avenues for me.

So don't worry about my post above (except Invisibility spell...where on earth did I find that last time?)


Re: [MOD] Call Of House Hardabar

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2023 11:48 pm
by ene
blimey, have finshed obanyon ! exausted and all and all..

personally i think is the most accomplished part of the mod, puzzle-wise, the way it is designed, + and there's something just dark down there that i enjoyed very much. Feel completely different from the rest of mod to me, really great job master-chief ;) :D

A crazy fight at the end would have been most welcome, though (bring on the priests i say, only them know how to put a party! 8-) ), mainly to release the tension throughout the journey (the servants of the demon could have been released to avenge him, no?). ah well, missed opportunity here i think. but perhaps this is because I feel like i want to destroy everything now (after 10days+ in the dungeon)

but seriouly well done

that said..

all secrets have been found (tks for the help)
bongobeat wrote: Sun Apr 23, 2023 9:12 am In the treasury area, that key can be found after you find the southern secret in the level 1.
believe me or not, i didn't find that *!@!?* key..
bongobeat wrote: Sun Apr 23, 2023 9:12 am In the treasury area, that key can be found after you find the southern secret in the level 1.
just where??

east one? west one? somewhere else ?
bongobeat wrote: Sun Apr 23, 2023 9:12 am In the treasury area, that key can be found after you find the southern secret in the level 1.
is it well in sight? i clickclikcliked& bumped everywhere like there's no tomorrow.. even checked the others places. whats' the name of the key btw?
bongobeat wrote: Sun Apr 23, 2023 9:12 am In the treas.........
just spoiler pretty pls!!!!! :lol:

Re: [MOD] Call Of House Hardabar

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2023 2:46 am
by ene

mount khan?
urutsuku camp?
greyfish swamp?

how something as black as darkness can shine.. in the darkness??

Re: [MOD] Call Of House Hardabar

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2023 2:38 am
by ene
@JB part3..

'I'm the protector of the underground forest'

refers to sacred groove?

'white & sacred' - the tree in malan tael, no? but it's not in the wood.

it's pretty vague.. i suppose it's a tree at least (with 'leaves' in the note)?

i have 2jb keys so far, hopefully it's not 9 keys that you need to find, like the 9 jb rings