Luj1 wrote:This game is vastly improved in all areas, but there is miscellanea that pokes the eye...
1. Charged weapons
Now: Charged weapons consume energy as well as one charge.
This is a absurd idea, making any charged weapon like garbage in the battle.
Both waste your time and energy.
Maybe the team doesn't want us to fire it rapidly in a short time like LOG1.
That's fine unless it takes 0 energy
Luj1 wrote:2. Mortar & Pestle
Now: Required to use from hand.(which is quite tiresome)
Alright it looks like we're making herb things but pain in the ass annoying.
According to this, why don't we have to hold any food or potion to consume, pointless though.
Luj1 wrote:3. Empty bottles
Now: There is no empty bottle left after consuming a potion. You craft potions with herbs alone, after drinking they disappear
It gives me the wonder, where is the bottle coming from when we're making a potion.
But I could understand the idea here. Not everyone could loot all the stuff in the game.
A few bottles left could put a team in danger, especially encounter a tough fight.
This is a change, not bad one at all, actually I like it.
Luj1 wrote:4. No 'unarmed' skill to govern weaponless fighting
Not a popular skill in LOG1, never bother to try it myself
It could turn out pretty well in LOG2, maybe a hidden gem.
Luj1 wrote:5. Missing equivalent to Toorum mode
There are some victims on the island before, but their names remain unknown.
They do mentioned a person named KilXXXXX. (prevent spoiler)
It depends they want to create a whole story about him or not.
Luj1 wrote:6. 'Treasures' (collecting golden items) from the first game
I do miss this stuff, at least they escape without empty hands
Personally I love the innovation about special attack base on which weapon we hold.
Sadly on the other hand it's inevitable we cannot but lose plenty of opportunities holding the button.
And remaining members got to wait and watch the show.
Why not make it faster or auto-charge right after we triggered it ??
At least I never see any enemy spending the goddamn time to perform a cripple blow.