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Re: Pyramid of Umas
Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 11:03 pm
by Orin Crest
eduran wrote:Harakiri wrote:Im stuck on both the east and west wing.
I marked both issues with an X.
You marked the wrong spot as your issue. You'll have to cross the pits further north.
Additional info on how to deal with the pressure plate between the grates:
You can put more than one item on a pressure plate.
Harakiri wrote:Any hints on getting through the doors in east on the far right ? When you get out of the key room, to your left if you go the direction of the crystal
Look for a hidden switch north of the room you are trying to get into. do we get past the "plate within the grate" in the NE section of the pyramid?
Re: Pyramid of Umas
Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 11:17 pm
by Klezzon
spacehouse wrote:
Claymore i know where and am not looking forward to, but where did you find the sickle sword?
So it's not random at least... i too went excited when i met the 3 snakes and the 2 medusas, but then i only get the Ancient Claymore...
eduran wrote:Managed to find the Sickle Sword.
There are four brightly illuminated tiles in the main room on the second floor. Solving the puzzle rewards you with the sword.
Mhh... i'll work on it !
Re: Pyramid of Umas
Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 11:21 pm
by Klezzon
Orin Crest wrote: do we get past the "plate within the grate" in the NE section of the pyramid?
Try to solve, as he said "you can put more then 1 item", but here's the solution:
Trow doth pressure, walk on the one left and drop item, make to the other side and drop another item on same plate, go back and pick first item.
Re: Pyramid of Umas
Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 11:35 pm
by eLPuSHeR
For those of you who are stuck in the pressure plates puzzle to access the second floor (big room with pits, buttons, where teleporters to forgotten and highborn tombs are), you must do the following on the west and east wing rooms. Of course, you must have gotten two tomb keys by now.
West room: activate W, S, E pressure plates
East room: Activate N, E pressure plates (remove West one upon exiting the room)
What an annoying puzzle. It took me almost 2 hours to finally be able to do it.
Re: Pyramid of Umas
Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 11:50 pm
by Ichthyic
Valc wrote:I just finished this place and holy shit be prepared at the end.
Wurmwood wrote:Im stuck in this area as well. I am in an area that has two portals (to the tomb of the forgotten and another) In one room there are several sarcophagi and 2 named weapons. One is a staff that has a fear charge attack, and a moon blade. I think you are supposed to place them in one of the rooms but I cant figure it out
It has to do with the weapons, read the notes carefully and look at the surrounding rooms.
fail. if it was that obvious, we would have figured it out by now. I'm stuck here as well.
edit: nvmd, figured it out.
Re: Pyramid of Umas
Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2014 12:03 am
by eidopans
It took me a while to understand
Full solution (no riddles) :
The Note says that the Fear Wand belong to someone who had no companion, and the Moonblade claim it belong to a Warrior who had a Companion and their Child
There are 4 Rooms with sarcophagus - one has only 1 sarcophagus on the floor (On it you need to put the fear Ward)
another have 1 sarcophagus on the Floor PLUS 2 standing sarcophagus (On the Floor one, you need to put the Moonblade)
the other Two rooms have 2 and 4 People buried there, so that is not the ones the notes were talking about)
Re: Pyramid of Umas
Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2014 12:10 am
by The Doppelgamer
In the Tomb of Rites (second floor of the pyramid) there is a light in the main hallway. When I walk into it the light goes away and it makes a clicking sound. I completed the pyramid a while ago and this is the only thing I can't figure out, anyone else know what it does?
Re: Pyramid of Umas
Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2014 12:12 am
by eduran
Mystina Valeth wrote:In the Tomb of Rites (second floor of the pyramid) there is a light in the main hallway. When I walk into it the light goes away and it makes a clicking sound. I completed the pyramid a while ago and this is the only thing I can't figure out, anyone else know what it does?
There is more than just one light in that area.
Re: Pyramid of Umas
Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2014 12:22 am
by Orin Crest
Klezzon wrote:Orin Crest wrote: do we get past the "plate within the grate" in the NE section of the pyramid?
Try to solve, as he said "you can put more then 1 item", but here's the solution:
Trow doth pressure, walk on the one left and drop item, make to the other side and drop another item on same plate, go back and pick first item.
Thank you. I will now consider myself a moron.
Re: Pyramid of Umas
Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2014 12:23 am
by The Doppelgamer
eduran wrote:Mystina Valeth wrote:In the Tomb of Rites (second floor of the pyramid) there is a light in the main hallway. When I walk into it the light goes away and it makes a clicking sound. I completed the pyramid a while ago and this is the only thing I can't figure out, anyone else know what it does?
There is more than just one light in that area.
Ohhh. I tried those already, but I was doing it wrong. Thanks for the hint