playtime 18:02 (about 3-4 hrs was walking in circles)
1319 monsterkills
797 items
20/22 treasures
4 skulls
and hundreds of skillbooks
- ambient music/sounds are fantastic and make strong atmosphere(first time i heard dragon snoring gave me shivers)
- also i like complexity of the first half of dungeon, which make me feel lost sometimes and reminds me of csb

- dragon hunt at lvl9 was nice challenge (although it was not necessary, i simply couldn´t leave it uncleaned

- some open places could be smaller, because it occasionally leads to feeling of emptiness
- first encounters of dark soul often end up with some dead characters, especially when you dont waiting it
- respawn of ghosts at lvl7+11 and spiders at lvl13 is very quick, which makes it very annoying and boring.. slow down will make it more meaningful i think
- deep trip fall drives me crazy, when i got about 20 attempts before my both mages survive the fall(and yes, i fall from lower level), that was definitely not cool