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Re: The Party of One
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 11:33 am
by Whisper
Juho, while you are at it.
Is there any way to increase spell damage (not counting special items) for magic school, except that one trait at 24/27 skill?
Also, STR stat only increase a little of attack, it doesnt increase damage more in hidden way?
p.s. Who is Toorum?
He basicly SOLO'd most of dungeon while people have trouble with party of 4 heroes.
Re: The Party of One
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 11:40 am
by Ashtray
Whisper wrote:
p.s. Who is Toorum?
He basicly SOLO'd most of dungeon while people have trouble with party of 4 heroes.
Iam at work , so can't test this.. but what happens if you name your character as Toorum

? Single player mode ?
Or name your party as Petri, Juho , Antti , Olli ... God mode ?

Re: The Party of One
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 12:06 pm
by Lex
Ashtray wrote:Whisper wrote:
p.s. Who is Toorum? He basicly SOLO'd most of dungeon while people have trouble with party of 4 heroes.
Iam at work , so can't test this.. but what happens if you name your character as Toorum

? Single player mode ?
Or name your party as Petri, Juho , Antti , Olli ... God mode ?

I've checked both options already

In second case I've even tried to use the same avatars as they have on forum, lol

Re: The Party of One
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 12:16 pm
by Lex
kitty wrote:Ok. I also tried almost everything. So it is time to directly ask developers. What is the correct way how to start a game with only one character? Or if it is not possible atm - create a feature request.
I think - there
is a way. Just a "very" hidden one to discover. To be possible to play solo, It should be done relatively early in the game. On character creation screen (as I said above) I've tried naming them in some special way. Later in starting chamber I've tried to cast different spells in four "small rooms". All in all, nothing happened. I've also tried one more thing but it is related to in-game secret area on first level so I'll hide it in spoiler tags.
I've also tried to throw different spells at the statue in secret room opened in starting area and use these two items - nothing happened.
Re: The Party of One
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 12:22 pm
by Chiller
I found it

One of the above suggestions was correct, so thanks! I had finished the game on hard before, finding all treasures/Toorum notes and
so it's possible that one of those actions unlocked it. Hadn't found all secrets, though.
Re: The Party of One
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 12:25 pm
by petri
Congratz, as far as we know you're the first one to uncover this secret!

Re: The Party of One
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 12:27 pm
by juho
Well done Chiller!
Re: The Party of One
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 12:27 pm
by Lex
Chiller: thanks for reply - have you checked how many experience you are getting as solo? More or the same amount?
Re: The Party of One
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 12:41 pm
by Chiller
Normal amount of XP and 4 skill pts per level but you get some extra skill pts to start with.
Only levelled to 2 so far, though.
Also: first, really? Wheeeeee!
Re: The Party of One
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 1:03 pm
by Whisper
Probably you also need to play on Hard.
Well, most people probably (well, i do hope so) do play this game on Hard (since its too easy on normal) but still.