[MOD] Eye of the Beholder: Waterdeep Sewers

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Re: EOB: Waterdeep Sewers

Post by Neikun »

@Jupp: It's not a bug specific to this mod. This will happen when you mouse over a spell scroll in your inventory. It's a known bug and AlmostHuman will fix it in the next version.
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Re: EOB: Waterdeep Sewers

Post by Juppstein »

Ah ok, thanks for the info.
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Re: EOB: Waterdeep Sewers

Post by Juppstein »

By the way is there a place where I could get my hands on that temp. ladder down tile from a few posts up? I'd like to tinker around with it to see if I can "enhance it a bit". Last time I did 3D stuff was way back in NWN1 for a modder group but this might be a nice chance to shake the rust off my mod-fu.
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Re: EOB: Waterdeep Sewers

Post by djoldgames »

Juppstein wrote:By the way is there a place where I could get my hands on that temp. ladder down tile from a few posts up? I'd like to tinker around with it to see if I can "enhance it a bit". Last time I did 3D stuff was way back in NWN1 for a modder group but this might be a nice chance to shake the rust off my mod-fu.
Yes, you're welcome!
I am not so skilled in 3D modeling, and will be great if you can create some simple 3D model of the ladder. You can try to make it and export model to wavefront .OBJ format.
Next step will be importing to grimrock .model format, using the Grimrock Model Tookit created by JohnWordsworth (still work in progress).
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Update - Level 2 completed

Post by djoldgames »

New version (0.02.8) uploaded to steam and nexus.
At last, I finished Level 2 with "all" the features from original game. There is a lot of scripting, but now I have some custom objects like "illusionary (level independent) pits", "throwable portcullis", forceable doors, ladder up/down, items with timed stats boost (Potion of Giant Strength) and more...

To deepen the atmosphere, I added new feature to EOB - Notes from previous expedition. Inspired by my old Eye of the Beholder Clue Book, where are the "hints" written by famous archeologist Wently Kelso. I use some of them as collectible notes/hints (like Toorum notes in Grimrock game - but only in internal counter).

There is the map from editor:
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Re: Update - Level 2 completed

Post by HaunterV »

djoldgames wrote: There is the map from editor:
how a script can take the place of multiple similar connectors all at once
(such as making one button fire 8 different fireballs)

example by petri:
Sometimes it's easier to use a single script than many connectors. For example the following script when activated will open all doors with ids secret_door_1, secret_door_2, ... secret_door_10

Code: Select all
function activate()
for i=1,10 do
local door = findEntity("secret_door_"..i)
if door then

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Re: EOB: Waterdeep Sewers

Post by Komag »

yeah, that's definitely a situation where you'd want to use a script like that to clean things up
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Re: EOB: Waterdeep Sewers

Post by Juppstein »

Wow, getting back into 3D after almost 8 years is hard. And switching from 3dsmax to Blender while trying to figure out the specialities of Grimrock in terms of custom content is another obstacle.

This is what I got so far for the ladder down tile:


I took the wall_alcove from the dungeon set and just added some stuff to it. Don't know if that even would work in game. And I honestly don't know if I will ever manage to get that thing properly exported. Oh well :D

Is there any kind of poly limit per tile in Grimrock? In NWN we had limits like 200 per tile and so on.
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Re: EOB: Waterdeep Sewers

Post by petri »

The only limit is available memory.
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Re: EOB: Waterdeep Sewers

Post by djoldgames »

Juppstein wrote:Wow, getting back into 3D after almost 8 years is hard. And switching from 3dsmax to Blender while trying to figure out the specialities of Grimrock in terms of custom content is another obstacle.

This is what I got so far for the ladder down tile:
I took the wall_alcove from the dungeon set and just added some stuff to it. Don't know if that even would work in game. And I honestly don't know if I will ever manage to get that thing properly exported. Oh well :D
This is awsome, Excelent work!
You need to add 3 materials to it: 1 - material for wall in the background, 2 - material for the pit, 3 - material for the ladder
Can I download it from anywhere?

Edit: We need just the pit and ladder, the background wall as alcove is not required, because I can use this model as "decoration" for the clear tile with walls aroud it.
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