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Re: Escape from Nightmare

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 3:26 pm
by topdray
Thanks for all the help!
Again, I need more of it: In the level "power plant" I lured the huge robot behind me and he opened the door for me where I found the fourth key. I still miss one key. Do I have to kill the robot to get the fifth? How is this possible? I hit him a 1000 times at least, lured him into a pit. But he lives forever ...

Re: Escape from Nightmare

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 6:26 pm
by topdray
I got three key and I miss a fourth (not fifth) one.

Re: Escape from Nightmare

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2020 12:12 pm
by Khollik

No you can't kill the robot :o Here are the emplacements of the four keys:

1- Skeleton trooper at the entrance (I suppose you got this one)

2- Closed room at the top of the map (you already got this one)
You have to lure the robot between the two daemon heads. Use frost spell, forcefield or the stun ray (found in the upper level) to freeze him the time you get inside the room.
3- Lower right of the map, after the room with the timed trapdoors (I also guess you've already found this one, it's in an alcove)

4- The last one is deeper underground. You have to jump in one of the button-controlled traps in the room with the wraith
try at 15,29
Have you solved the riddle "He watches your back?" :?:

Until next time! ;)

Re: Escape from Nightmare

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2020 7:24 pm
by topdray
I can't find the one in deeper underground and I didn't solve the puzzle. :geek:

Re: Escape from Nightmare

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 10:48 am
by Khollik

Sorry maybe my explanation was unclear. In the power plant, there is a room guarded by a wraith and 2 pittraps controlled by buttons. Jump into the second one, you'll get to a small room at the "deeper underground" level, with an alcove (and the key) and a button to get out.

A hint for the riddle: there is a lonely statue in the power plant level.


Re: Escape from Nightmare

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 10:26 pm
by topdray
In "the Pit": What do I have to do with the seven levers to open the door?

When I go further downstairs the game crashes after it asked me for a name/passwort. I have a scroll talking about the master's name. Do I have to insert one of those names?

Thanks again for your great mod. Lots of fun, though pretty hard riddles (at least for me - I started with Dungeon Master in the 80s).

Re: Escape from Nightmare

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 10:28 pm
by topdray
When I want to type the master's name it crashed. So it doesn't really matter whether I know the name ...
Nonetheless, thanks again!

Re: Escape from Nightmare

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 8:04 am
by Khollik

This game crash is very annoying :? all the more since I can't reproduce it. Do you have a notification or crash report? Right now I can't find the problem. Would you mind to try with the "right" answer?
Anyway thanks for the comment. Also huge huge fan of DM and CSB here ;)

Re: Escape from Nightmare

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 8:18 am
by topdray
The games crashed, when I click into the field. I am not able to type anything. It's like in the video on youtube that was upload by the other user.

Would you help me with the seven levers? Thankful for a hint.

Re: Escape from Nightmare

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 9:27 am
by Khollik
Oups, sorry fogot that.

Check the ornaments on the walls in the room left to the one with the levers. They give the right position for the levers.

Starting left-hand when you enter the room: up / down / up / down / up / down / down

I continue to check the crash and how to fix it...