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Re: [MOD] Survive 2.0

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 3:23 pm
by Elkedacion
I am stuck in Dimension-Y - first part.

I can not find any button that would enable teleport
In previous versions, there was no problem

Re: [MOD] Survive 2.0

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 5:16 pm
by Resu
Elkedacion wrote:I am stuck in Dimension-Y - first part.

I can not find any button that would enable teleport
In previous versions, there was no problem
strange.. in the north should be an activate teleporter.. i just checked it out in map editor and it seems ok. but this is not the first time
a player experienced a missing teleporter although in the editor its working. This could be a bug or something i dont know :(

Re: [MOD] Survive 2.0

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 5:55 pm
by geniusmcp

i am also stuck at "flesh of god" Level 20 (or 19?)

What is the solution?

I don't get any further.

Please help!


Re: [MOD] Survive 2.0

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 8:39 pm
by Flohaxn
geniusmcp wrote:Hello,

i am also stuck at "flesh of god" Level 20 (or 19?)

What is the solution?

I don't get any further.

Please help!

if i recall correctly you need a
herdergod cap, so hopefully you didnt eat it

Re: [MOD] Survive 2.0

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 6:40 pm
by Resu
geniusmcp wrote:Hello,

i am also stuck at "flesh of god" Level 20 (or 19?)

What is the solution?

I don't get any further.

Please help!

This is just an optional puzzle, you dont need it to proceed further in the game! ;)
but as Flohaxn said, you need Herdergod Cap dropped from Herdergods :)

Re: [MOD] Survive 2.0

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 12:11 am
by trancelistic
I've found 1 bug so far. Don't trow or shoot something at a chest. Its a crash:P

Re: [MOD] Survive 2.0

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 11:16 pm
by Lorenz

I tried to put an herder cap in the "Flesh of God" puzzle...but nothing happens...

Is it the correct item?? What should happen? I didnt notice anything happening in the whole lvl...


Re: [MOD] Survive 2.0

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 6:10 am
by Resu
Lorenz wrote:Hello!

I tried to put an herder cap in the "Flesh of God" puzzle...but nothing happens...

Is it the correct item?? What should happen? I didnt notice anything happening in the whole lvl...

Hello Lorenz :)
At first you need a HerderGOD! Cap^^ And if you lie it down a teleporter in the same room becomes activated :)

Re: [MOD] Survive 2.0

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 10:23 pm
by Lorenz
Ahhh! Thx!

I have been able to reach lvl 30 "The mines" after I got the red/blue/green keys...but after the initial columns I am stuck. It seems a dead end, there are two statues but I have no
clue about what to do...anyone can help me? :)

Thank you!

Re: [MOD] Survive 2.0

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 4:39 pm
by Resu
Lorenz wrote:Ahhh! Thx!

I have been able to reach lvl 30 "The mines" after I got the red/blue/green keys...but after the initial columns I am stuck. It seems a dead end, there are two statues but I have no
clue about what to do...anyone can help me? :)

Thank you!
Destroy them! :P