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Re: To those who have completed the game. [Major spoilers]
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:21 am
by dajbozerozum
Ah! Finally made it.
Party was:
- Human fighter: 13 lvl (Armors: 25, Swords 38, Best weapon: Cutlass),
- Minotaur fighter: 13 lvl (Armors: 17, Atheltics: 10, Axes: 22, Best weapon: Ancient Axe),
- Human mage: 13 lvl (Fire magic: 32, Spellcraft: 18, Best weapon: Zhandul`s orb),
- Lizardman Rogue: 13 lvl (Throwing weapons: 50, Best weapon: Shuriken + Throwing Axe).
At the end of game I was able to took down any enemy. Unfortunatley lack of patient and I hadn't collected every tresure etc., etc. Good game.
Re: To those who have completed the game. [Major spoilers]
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 9:53 am
by Ashtray
I think all puzzles were ok, althought too easy.. f.ex. that level 10 lever puzzle was waaaay too easy because there was that "check the pillars" note.
That level 3 "anticlockwise rotating teleporters" puzzle was most difficult for me

, it took ~15 minutes to figure out, all others were obvious and needed more reflexes than thinking. Ofcourse I haven't solved all secrets yet !
Ending was kind of ok , (wow, is it GLaDOS's evil brother) althought I usually don't like very much these Might and Magic 1 style plot twists which turn fantasy into scifi.
In the end I was left with feeling that I want more

, luckily I can ofcourse first hunt all those secrets and treasures and hopefully that level editor is ready sooner than later.
Good job Almost Human, Thank You.
Re: To those who have completed the game. [Major spoilers]
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 1:50 pm
by sevtai
WOOO, i finally managed to kill the bugger on the pressure plate he starts on, i was well chuffed =D
Re: To those who have completed the game. [Major spoilers]
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 2:19 pm
by stage
sevtai wrote:WOOO, i finally managed to kill the bugger on the pressure plate he starts on, i was well chuffed =D
I just have to ask
what difference does it make if you kill him on the starting location? (or if u stand there when you do...) Does it make different ending?

On mine after killing him I saw how my heroes escape and then the mountain blew up
Re: To those who have completed the game. [Major spoilers]
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 2:21 pm
by sevtai
Well i cant comment on standing there when hes defeated yourself, but when he is dead on his pressure plate,
I was really expected something different different to happen, Alas i just got the same end game movie =[
A personal achievement non the less =D
Re: To those who have completed the game. [Major spoilers]
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 2:28 pm
by stage
hehe thanks for reply
but i do wonder what that pressure plate is for
Re: To those who have completed the game. [Major spoilers]
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 2:31 pm
by sevtai
Well i figured it was holding the mountain together, and after kill cube starts moving the mountain starts to break apart, until you kill him and its just to much and the mountain explodes, so perhaps killing him there would keep it together, but no, a shame
Its probally...
The trigger for enemies to start spawning, once the pressure plate is lifted, enemys start to appear
Re: To those who have completed the game. [Major spoilers]
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 2:32 pm
by Devil
Additionally Sevtai
It might control the teleport to tomb of the designers
Re: To those who have completed the game. [Major spoilers]
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 2:35 pm
by sevtai
Ahh yes ofcourse, i always forget about that teleport =p
Re: To those who have completed the game. [Major spoilers]
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 11:40 pm
by EvoluZion3
woohoo just finished it on Normal. I think what happens near the end is very clever and I didn't expect it at all. Great work Almost Human!!