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Re: FINISTERRAE version 2.3

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 4:48 am
by Duncan1246
Also I have 5 seals right now 234 and 67. I am missing 1 and 5 and I am guessing these are found on living Heptarchs?
Elementary as Sherlock says ;)
I wonder if I go back to machine in Flame's Quarry now or go into Pyramid first...
To work, the lab needs the NINE essences, so...
only thing is I wonder can I pull balance from Arcanum... hmmm
When an essence is placed on its beacon, it's teleported to the Mountain of the Eight or it's locked (Balance is locked, obviously, so you understand why it isn't the Mountain of the Nine :lol: )

Congratulations for your hard work! The Mountain waits for you now! :D


Re: FINISTERRAE version 2.3

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 6:58 am
by sapientCrow
Duncan1246 wrote: Fri Oct 05, 2018 4:48 am
Also I have 5 seals right now 234 and 67. I am missing 1 and 5 and I am guessing these are found on living Heptarchs?
Elementary as Sherlock says ;)
I wonder if I go back to machine in Flame's Quarry now or go into Pyramid first...
To work, the lab needs the NINE essences, so...
only thing is I wonder can I pull balance from Arcanum... hmmm
When an essence is placed on its beacon, it's teleported to the Mountain of the Eight or it's locked (Balance is locked, obviously, so you understand why it isn't the Mountain of the Nine :lol: )

Congratulations for your hard work! The Mountain waits for you now! :D


I seem to be stuck at Pyramid at Mountain. I managed to get the 2 faces to shoot into the receptacles but the upper spear doors are still closed. I am not seeing another place to go.

Re: FINISTERRAE version 2.3

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 5:57 pm
by Duncan1246
I seem to be stuck at Pyramid at Mountain. I managed to get the 2 faces to shoot into the receptacles but the upper spear doors are still closed. I am not seeing another place to go.
So you are in Four of the Eight? You win against the blue wizard, door open, you have got all the gems?
I suppose so, OK. 8-)
When you activate one mask, you see an aura, a sound and a lightning bolt . If the two grids in the corridor in front of the mask are open, then the receptacle is hit and one of the door open. The script here is very simple, so if none of the upper portcullis is open, I think perhaps you have stolen the eyes of the masks, so doors are closed again. :roll:
Anyway, I retest it just now, and it works no matter you begin by the upper or the lower level. I suggest you retry

Re: FINISTERRAE version 2.3

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 6:45 pm
by sapientCrow
Duncan1246 wrote: Fri Oct 05, 2018 5:57 pm
I seem to be stuck at Pyramid at Mountain. I managed to get the 2 faces to shoot into the receptacles but the upper spear doors are still closed. I am not seeing another place to go.
So you are in Four of the Eight? You win against the blue wizard, door open, you have got all the gems?
I suppose so, OK. 8-)
When you activate one mask, you see an aura, a sound and a lightning bolt . If the two grids in the corridor in front of the mask are open, then the receptacle is hit and one of the door open. The script here is very simple, so if none of the upper portcullis is open, I think perhaps you have stolen the eyes of the masks, so doors are closed again. :roll:
Anyway, I retest it just now, and it works no matter you begin by the upper or the lower level. I suggest you retry
Yes I took the eyes out after the mask shot. However I am not able to make the mask shoot again if I replace the eyes and if I go upstairs after replacing the eyes the gates are still shut. I attempted to pull the levers again (as the button crashes game if I press it a second time) and that did not work either.
I will go back to a save from right after blue wizard as I entered this place. I think perhaps replacing the eyes does not fire up the script for shooting the bolt again?
I am so used to taking items once they are used in case I need them again so...
edit: I did get it to work with previous save. Also like I said the honoring part where you place gems on table is switched for matter and spirit. The matter side requires a spirit gem and the spirit side a matter gem for the enemies not to appear.

Are there other things in the temple I need to not take back out once I place them?

Re: FINISTERRAE version 2.3

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 7:23 pm
by Duncan1246
As I said in a precedent post, you have more power gems in the game than needed, and you find four of them here, in Four of the Eight, so pick up them again is absolutely insane... :lol:
perhaps replacing the eyes does not fire up the script for shooting the bolt again?
You are right, when I say retry, I mean reload and play again.
Are there other things in the temple I need to not take back out once I place them?
I can't say (so many things), but save often because mistakes can always occurs... and replay hours of game is boring.
One thing more: now, you are in the quasi final sequence, the mod became linear so traveling from one map to another to find some object is finished, except if you have left behind some necessary object, like the book of Runes.

Re: FINISTERRAE version 2.3

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 8:17 pm
by sapientCrow
Duncan1246 wrote: Fri Oct 05, 2018 7:23 pm As I said in a precedent post, you have more power gems in the game than needed, and you find four of them here, in Four of the Eight, so pick up them again is absolutely insane... :lol:
perhaps replacing the eyes does not fire up the script for shooting the bolt again?
You are right, when I say retry, I mean reload and play again.
Are there other things in the temple I need to not take back out once I place them?
I can't say (so many things), but save often because mistakes can always occurs... and replay hours of game is boring.
One thing more: now, you are in the quasi final sequence, the mod became linear so traveling from one map to another to find some object is finished, except if you have left behind some necessary object, like the book of Runes.
ok great... I hope I did not screw up in 2 sides of god I put the gems in eyes to operate the levers but took them back.
I am stuck in there now. I place life and death rune on top floor. I operated the 3 dog spin to get both essences. I placed both essences got cross and ra key. Then pressed both sides buttons to activate teleporter so the cage can move up in front of jewels down below. Now I go back and find fire and water altar where I place runes on and get a sceptre of lyf and ruby key. But now the 2 upper doors by the water drop and fire drop is still closed and I have not found another route to take. Do I now move on to jewels map?

Re: FINISTERRAE version 2.3

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 8:43 pm
by Duncan1246
I think all goes well for now (not absolutely sure however: my memory isn't eidetic :( ).
The two levels (Both Sides and Four Jewels) are intricate: one is seen from the other in the fire and water parts, so you can go to 4 Jewels and return here if necessary

Re: FINISTERRAE version 2.3

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 10:41 pm
by sapientCrow
Duncan1246 wrote: Fri Oct 05, 2018 8:43 pm I think all goes well for now (not absolutely sure however: my memory isn't eidetic :( ).
The two levels (Both Sides and Four Jewels) are intricate: one is seen from the other in the fire and water parts, so you can go to 4 Jewels and return here if necessary
thanks for all the help :)

Re: FINISTERRAE version 2.3

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 1:41 am
by sapientCrow
sapientCrow wrote: Fri Oct 05, 2018 10:41 pm
Duncan1246 wrote: Fri Oct 05, 2018 8:43 pm I think all goes well for now (not absolutely sure however: my memory isn't eidetic :( ).
The two levels (Both Sides and Four Jewels) are intricate: one is seen from the other in the fire and water parts, so you can go to 4 Jewels and return here if necessary
thanks for all the help :)
I never found the Illuminet... I got through forest and into block room where I got gem. Is illuminet in forest and is there anything else in forest to find?

And now in Dragon Room I get a crash when I try to move into wall at center. I am only able to find 3 pedestals on each side for a total of 6. Supposedly there is 4 on each side?

complete crash unable to move ahead on pyramidion level
#walk_script.script:25: attempt to perform arithmetic on global 'pointer' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
#walk_script.script:25: in function '_callback'
mod_assets/scripts/fw.lua:92: in function <mod_assets/scripts/fw.lua:78>
[string "Component.lua"]: in function 'callHook'
[string "Party.lua"]: in function 'enter'
[string "FSM.lua"]: in function 'setState'
[string "Party.lua"]: in function 'move'
[string "Party.lua"]: in function 'update'
[string "Map.lua"]: in function 'updateComponents'
[string "Map.lua"]: in function 'updateEntities'
[string "Dungeon.lua"]: in function 'updateLevels'
[string "GameMode.lua"]: in function 'update'
[string "Grimrock.lua"]: in function 'display'
[string "Grimrock.lua"]: in main chunk

I walked downstairs and then back up saved it and now every move in any direction crashes game
reloaded an earlier save and it is ok but I have no idea what caused this error and there is no earth or air altar I can find so I can go upstairs. On the back wall if I walk into it it crashes as well. The floor tiles do not respond correctly if I am supposed be using the knowledge of forest and direction of each tile.

Re: FINISTERRAE version 2.3

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 5:18 pm
by Duncan1246
This is the most difficult part of the script for my humble skills, because I use a script of another modder for one specific task (/scripts/fw.lua:92) . All tests works and this error isn't pointed by others players.
But... I gess your forest travel is the beginning of the issue. To have light in the forest, you MUST have one champion wearing the necklace_illuminet. Without it, you have made some random walk I haven't expected, so the crash... Sorry for that.

So I give you the walkthrought:
Reload a save before picking the blue jewel (spirit room SE 4 Jewels)
I suppose you have found a golden skull. Go to South West room (with the sqeleton warriors), place the skull on the altar, pick up the necklace. Then, return in the forest and watch the precise steps you do according to the tiles on the ground. If you made a bad step on a tile, you return back in front of the red curtain with the chaos cross If you arrive in the central big room you have used one of the two bad ways, return in the forest. Only one door give access to the spirit labyrinth with the blocks and you have to replay this one to pick the blue jewel
If all is ok, you can use the four jewels to open the door orned with the Yggdrazil tree, pass the labyrinth, go upstairs to the pyramidion. Here, you use the indications from the forest walk and you can explore the level. It's symmetrical, so you have three rooms on each side.
no earth or air altar
Yes, it's normal and the reason was explained in a text in AHB cache in Crossroads.
