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Re: Dungeon Editor Progress
Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 1:24 pm
by Ixnatifual
I thoroughly hope we'll be able to create and modify new items, least from a name/properties perspective, even if we can't import models. So that there's not always a "The Dismantler" in every mod.
Re: Dungeon Editor Progress
Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 1:40 pm
by Darklord
That's the intention. You would have to create your new monsters/textures and such using other software of course. (or download ones made by others)
I can see many fans working together to make very interesting new dungeons.
Re: Dungeon Editor Progress
Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 1:55 pm
by Kwibus
- Monster groups
fuck yeh. Not used enough in LoG.
Re: Dungeon Editor Progress
Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 1:59 pm
by Huder
Darklord wrote:That's the intention. You would have to create your new monsters/textures and such using other software of course. (or download ones made by others)
I can see many fans working together to make very interesting new dungeons.
I don't want to disappoint you but there is no such things in todo list

Re: Dungeon Editor Progress
Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 2:06 pm
by Darklord
I'm going of these quotes,
petri wrote: As for Lua code, a mod could contain code that adds new items, dungeons, monsters (through a Lua file that is executed when a mod dungeon is selected from the New Game menu)
petri wrote: Why not first create mods that add new dungeons, monsters, items and puzzles and then worry about advanced/hacky stuff later?
If you scour Petri's posts you'll probably find other stuff to.
Re: Dungeon Editor Progress
Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 5:42 pm
by agris
Leto wrote:
- I don't know how large a dungeon script can become, but I think for some advanced / more complex dungeons the scripting window may lack some features like function-overview, syntax highlight etc. - again, I may be wrong, there is only one screenshot yet

I think this would represent far more time spent developing than Petri using available GUI packages for the basic look and feel of the editor.
Anyway, this isn't necessary. Do your scripting in CONTEXT or Notepad++, some program that already has the syntax highlighters, and then paste your script into the editor. At least, that's how I always script for games. Sure, built in highlighters would be nice, but I'm assuming you're trying to minimize time used based on your GUI comment...
Re: Dungeon Editor Progress
Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 5:50 pm
by Okari
Looking at the screenshot I've got a bunch of questions, but most of them can wait. Just have two i'm curious about right now. First one is if there will be a way to turn off monster AI through scripting. and second is if there will be a way to connect torch lighting to scripting; it could be nice for dramatic effect to have all the torchs go out when a player is walking down a hall.
Re: Dungeon Editor Progress
Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 6:20 pm
by Thels
Okari wrote:Looking at the screenshot I've got a bunch of questions, but most of them can wait. Just have two i'm curious about right now. First one is if there will be a way to turn off monster AI through scripting.
I'm curious about this as well.
Okari wrote:and second is if there will be a way to connect torch lighting to scripting; it could be nice for dramatic effect to have all the torchs go out when a player is walking down a hall.
It shouldn't be hard to replace the torches by burned out torches.
Unless you want the player to be able to pull them out and receive regular torches again. Hmm...
Re: Dungeon Editor Progress
Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 9:00 pm
by Patch
Thels wrote:Okari wrote:and second is if there will be a way to connect torch lighting to scripting; it could be nice for dramatic effect to have all the torchs go out when a player is walking down a hall.
It shouldn't be hard to replace the torches by burned out torches.
Unless you want the player to be able to pull them out and receive regular torches again. Hmm...
I think the thinking is more along the lines of 'player enters room, all light sources extinguish', or something along those lines. Which is a great idea.
Re: Dungeon Editor Progress
Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 10:35 pm
by Leto
Okari wrote:First one is if there will be a way to turn off monster AI through scripting.
Why do you want to deactivate the AI? To replace it with scripted sequences? That would be nice
What I'm curios about is if the monster AI is Lua-scripted (and thus can be changed) or hard-coded, any ideas? (At least I think there were some scripted path that some enemies followed in the game...)