Artifacts of might: dm_resource_log2 asset pack has a particle called dm_waterdrops that's used in a cave-in ceiling
I'd like to make a placable object of these waterdrops to create a nonintrusive rain effect

I have the entire pack in my mod.
Code: Select all
name = "dm_waterdrops",
emitters = {
emissionRate = 16,
emissionTime = 0,
spawnBurst = false,
maxParticles = 64,
boxMin = {-1.0,-1,-1.0},
boxMax = {1.0,5,1.0},
sprayAngle = {178,180},
velocity = {8,10},
texture = "assets/textures/particles/glitter_silver.tga",
lifetime = {1, 4},
colorAnimation = false,
color0 = {0.42, 0.56, 0.7},
fadeIn = 0.5,
fadeOut = 0.5,
size = {0.01, 0.02},
gravity = {0,-12,0},
airResistance = 5,
rotationSpeed = 2,
blendMode = "Additive",
depthBias = -0.001,
clampToGroundPlane = true,
I was looking at the defineobject snow code from the winter set to make a similar object.
But I'm not sure how to proceed.
Code: Select all
name = "sx_snow_particles_1square",
components = {
class = "Model",
model = "mod_assets/sx_winter_tileset/models/sx_blocker.fbx",
class = "Controller",
class = "Particle",
ParticleSystem = "sx_snow_emitter_1x1",
--debugDraw = true,
placement = "floor",
replacesFloor = false,
editorIcon = 136,
Code: Select all
name = "waterdrops1",
components = {
class = "Particle",
ParticleSystem = "dm_waterdrops",
--debugDraw = true,
placement = "floor",
replacesFloor = false,
editorIcon = 136,
Would this work?