Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Post by minmay »

It is not possible to remove items from SurfaceComponents or SocketComponents except by destroying the items or getting the player to click on the items and pick them up. Attempting to remove an item from one of these components via script (by destroying the Surface/SocketComponent, adding it to another surface/socket/inventory, using setMouseItem(), etc. etc.) will cause the savegame to permanently break and crash when the player tries to load it.
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I no longer answer scripting questions in private messages. Please ask in a forum topic or this Discord server.
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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Post by Isaac »

... But you can construct a duplicate of the item; as in the case of [seeming to move] item stacks, and custom magical items with partially used charges.
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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Post by akroma222 »

I need ask a grimtk related question, I will post here but link it in the grimtk thread.

If this is an easy thing and Ive just missed an obvious fix - pls correct me...
OK the issue is mouse clicking through grimtk windows / widgets .... and in doing so >> activating things from the vanilla game that I definitely do not want activzated (eg attack panel weapon swap buttons)
Ive read into (but am still not totally comfy with) the code from grimtk's script files.... I had suspected for a while that I could do some fancy widgetStack manipulation - but vanilla buttons don't register when grimtk checks and builds the widgetStack (any widgets directly underneath the mouse cursor). I also noticed but blanked on some of the mouse methods / fields such as:
self.visitWidget = function(self, gContext, widget)
self.commit = function(self)
Im not entirely sure how these things interact - if anyone has an explanation of this that a cat could understand, pls send it my way

So, re-worded, my question is:
Can we prevent the mouse clicking through grimtk windows & widgets (and cease iatrogenically activating vanilla buttons / menu stuff) ?? :) :geek:
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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Post by Pompidom »

Artifacts of might: dm_resource_log2 asset pack has a particle called dm_waterdrops that's used in a cave-in ceiling
I'd like to make a placable object of these waterdrops to create a nonintrusive rain effect :)
I have the entire pack in my mod.

Code: Select all

	name = "dm_waterdrops",
	emitters = {
		emissionRate = 16,
		emissionTime = 0,
		spawnBurst = false,
		maxParticles = 64,
		boxMin = {-1.0,-1,-1.0},
		boxMax = {1.0,5,1.0},
		sprayAngle = {178,180},
		velocity = {8,10},
		texture = "assets/textures/particles/glitter_silver.tga",
		lifetime = {1, 4},
		colorAnimation = false,
		color0 = {0.42, 0.56, 0.7},
		fadeIn = 0.5,
		fadeOut = 0.5,
		size = {0.01, 0.02},
		gravity = {0,-12,0},
		airResistance = 5,
		rotationSpeed = 2,
		blendMode = "Additive",
		depthBias = -0.001,
		clampToGroundPlane = true,
I was looking at the defineobject snow code from the winter set to make a similar object.
But I'm not sure how to proceed.

Code: Select all

	name = "sx_snow_particles_1square",
   components = {	
         class = "Model",
         model = "mod_assets/sx_winter_tileset/models/sx_blocker.fbx",
         class = "Controller",
         class = "Particle",
		 ParticleSystem = "sx_snow_emitter_1x1",
		 --debugDraw = true,

   placement = "floor",
   replacesFloor = false,
   editorIcon = 136,

Code: Select all

	name = "waterdrops1",
   components = {	
         class = "Particle",
		 ParticleSystem = "dm_waterdrops",
		 --debugDraw = true,

   placement = "floor",
   replacesFloor = false,
   editorIcon = 136,
Would this work?
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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Post by Lorial »

1) Is there a way to add a chance for a throwing item or missile ammo to convertToItemOnImpact ? Setting it to "true" always converts it, but I need a slight chance only for it to happen (e.g. attrition).

Code: Select all

onThrowAttackHitMonster = function(self, monster)
	if math.random() < 0.8 then
		monster:setCondition("poisoned", 20)
2) Fiddling with skill points via onEquipItem and onUnequipItem is bad, I know. How could I at least prevent the 5th skill point from getting removed when unquipping the item with a maxed out skill (concentration lvl 5)? Permanent removal of a skill point seems pretty bad.

Code: Select all

			onEquipItem = function(self, champion, slot)
				if slot == 1 or slot == 2 then
				champion:trainSkill("concentration", 1, false)
			onUnequipItem = function(self, champion, slot)
				if slot == 1 or slot == 2 then
				champion:trainSkill("concentration", -1, false)
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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Post by akroma222 »

Pompidom wrote: Fri Aug 23, 2019 8:47 pm Artifacts of might: dm_resource_log2 asset pack has a particle called dm_waterdrops that's used in a cave-in ceiling
I'd like to make a placable object of these waterdrops to create a nonintrusive rain effect :)
I have the entire pack in my mod.

Would this work?
Hey Pompidom,
Ive used this texture file from the winter tileset

Code: Select all

 texture = "mod_assets/sx_winter_tileset/textures/sx_raindrop_fx.tga",
I add this component to my party object:

Code: Select all

			class = "Particle",
			name = "rain",
			particleSystem = "sx_rain_emitter_party_square",
			onInit = function(self)
and this is the definition for the particle system (as well as an object def):

Code: Select all

 name = "sx_rain_particles_1square",
 tags = { "my_stuff" },
 components = {
         class = "Model",
         model = "mod_assets/sx_winter_tileset/models/sx_blocker.fbx",
         class = "Controller",
         class = "Particle",
   ParticleSystem = "sx_rain_emitter_party_square",
   --debugDraw = true,


   placement = "floor",
   replacesFloor = false,
   editorIcon = 136,

   name = "sx_rain_emitter_party_square",
   emitters = {
         -- The hard particle cap (~5000 per emitter/system?) is
         -- relevant here. You'll know if you hit it because the
         -- entire emitter will stop.
         -- XXX: in fact, this emitter might hit it if the
         -- framerate goes below 3 FPS or so?
         -- In my tests performance is mostly dependent on number
         -- of pixel blends rather than particle count so I'm not
         -- too worried about that - then again, I only have a
         -- few different GPUs and I don't have the Grimrock
         -- source.

   emissionRate = 500,
   emissionTime = 0,
         maxParticles = 65535,
         sprayAngle = {180,180},
         velocity = {18,18},
         -- Rotates with the party, so only make particles in
         -- front of them. There's a bit of lag with turning but
         -- it's like 50ms, I can't imagine anyone noticing it
         -- without specifically looking for it.
         -- The Y variation is necessary because otherwise the
         -- particles fall in planes.
         -- XXX: Since Grimrock does not have a fixed horizontal
         -- FOV, the X span may not be wide enough at wide
         -- (>16:9) aspect ratios.
  boxMin = {-1,8,-1.6}, -- -1,8,-1
  boxMax = {1,7,1},   -- 1,7,1

        -- boxMin = {-8,4,0},
        -- boxMax = {8,5,12},
         texture = "mod_assets/sx_winter_tileset/textures/sx_raindrop_fx.tga",
   frameSize = 256,
         lifetime = {0.3,0.3},
         color0 = {0.15, 0.2, 0.25},
         opacity = 1,
         fadeIn = 0.001,
         fadeOut = 0.1,
         size = {0.09, 0.09},
         gravity = {0,0,0},
         airResistance = 0.001,
         rotationSpeed = 0.04,
         blendMode = "Additive",
         objectSpace = false,
         randomInitialRotation = false,

You can turn the rain off and on with

Code: Select all

Hope this helps!

NOTE** You will need to make arrangements for handling when the party is undercover but looking out at an area with rainfall
Last edited by akroma222 on Mon Aug 26, 2019 1:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Post by akroma222 »

Lorial wrote: Sun Aug 25, 2019 10:06 am 2) Fiddling with skill points via onEquipItem and onUnequipItem is bad, I know. How could I at least prevent the 5th skill point from getting removed when unquipping the item with a maxed out skill (concentration lvl 5)? Permanent removal of a skill point seems pretty bad.

Code: Select all

			onEquipItem = function(self, champion, slot)
				if slot == 1 or slot == 2 then
				champion:trainSkill("concentration", 1, false)
			onUnequipItem = function(self, champion, slot)
				if slot == 1 or slot == 2 then
				champion:trainSkill("concentration", -1, false)
Cant help with (1) but for (2), this is what you are looking for.
There are links to scripts that will manage traits and stat adding and removing too
viewtopic.php?f=22&t=9024&p=88389&hilit ... ger#p88389
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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Post by Zo Kath Ra »

Lorial wrote: Sun Aug 25, 2019 10:06 am 1) Is there a way to add a chance for a throwing item or missile ammo to convertToItemOnImpact ? Setting it to "true" always converts it, but I need a slight chance only for it to happen (e.g. attrition).
This rock becomes gravity-less when thrown or launched.
But you can also do something when it lands, e.g. destroy the rock and create a new item at the rock's location.
The code works even when you set:
sharpProjectile = true

Code: Select all

    name = "rock_weightless",
    baseObject = "base_item",
    components = {
            class = "Model",
            model = "assets/models/items/rock.fbx",
            class = "Item",
            uiName = "Rock",
            gfxIndex = 45,
            impactSound = "impact_blunt",
            stackable = true,
            projectileRotationSpeed = 10,
            projectileRotationZ = -30,
            weight = 0.7,
            traits = { "throwing_weapon" },
            --sharpProjectile = true,
            class = "ThrowAttack",
            attackPower = 4,
            cooldown = 4,
            class = "AmmoItem",
            ammoType = "rock",
            class = "Timer",
            currentLevelOnly = true,
            timerInterval = 0,
            onActivate = function(self)
                if (self.go.counter:getValue() == 0) and self.go.projectile then
                    print("projectile launched", Time.currentTime())
                elseif (self.go.counter:getValue() == 1) and (self.go.projectile == niL) then
                    print("projectile landed", Time.currentTime())
                if self.go.projectile then
            class = "Counter",
    tags = { "weapon", "weapon_throwing" },
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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Post by vanblam »

How would you go about using multiple auto map icons for an object? Like water for example.
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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Post by Isaac »

vanblam wrote: Mon Aug 26, 2019 3:19 pm How would you go about using multiple auto map icons for an object? Like water for example.
As in one object that changes state, and this is reflected on the automap?
Or do you mean that each object [randomly?] picks its icon from a table?
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