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Re: Princes of Pale Moon

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 2:19 pm
by Drakkan
just finished your mod, 3 hours 30 min, normal option. As it is first custom mod I was playing I am pleasantly surprised. The forest was really nicely edited and also some castle interiors were really cool and i can imagine how hard to manage in the editor (the tower puzzle with all the bridges etc.)
What I was missing was some more genuie puzzles, mod was more combat focused, which I did not mind at the end, although some fights were really hard. I would also welcome more custom content, but I know how hard is to manage that.
few notes I observed:

- Dungeon parts were simply but nicely designed, definitely good work.
- In the last castle area (where are treasure choice) FPS was really crazy, probably because of all that lights.
- graves in the cemetery placed counter wise, you can write some text on it
- to be honest I skipped all the world lore reading on the walls, it was quite a boring. I do not see any sense for creating such large text when this dungeon world is so small
- also LOTS of the parchment / scroll messages especially at the beginning of the game. I was like: oh man, another scroll to read, screw this :) I do not know if it is general problem of LOG2 or there just too many scrolls with no importance
- the same problem for firearms as in original LOG2 - just too low ammunition. My firearm man was useless all the time. If you want balance that somehow provide player with gun earlier / add more ammo / make guns little more damaging

Thanks for editing and creating this piece of work, looking forward from you / improving this one.

Re: Princes of Pale Moon

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 9:37 pm
by Echoplex
Hey Drakkan,

Thanks for re-posting, I was able to find the spot you were referring to! I was looking for a brass door when it was a key being removed. It has been fix so thank you very much for that! Also thank you for the feedback. To comment on a few points identified, yes there was a lot to read as it was a story driven adventure. As for the ammunition, it was balanced similarly to the main campaign where you couldn't fire your gun every encounter every time it was available as well as with throwing weapons or other ranged weapons. Lastly graves were intentional as I wanted them unmarked. If you have them facing right side then you have an empty chat bubble. This has been pointed out by several folks and it seems to have drawn a lot of attention =). Anyway thanks for the feedback and take care.

Re: Princes of Pale Moon

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 1:46 pm
by Spathi
Echoplex wrote:
Sure, this should help.
As for the tomb key well thats part of a secret found in the main castle hub. Ill give you a hint, read the text in the library area where you find the stone.
I still have the tomb key
I did the left levers, got whatever was upstairs, and left with the right leavers down? Did I miss something? (the last line about illusions made no sense to me).

What is blocked with force fields is the conduit teleport, and the masters room teleport.

Re: Princes of Pale Moon

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 5:15 pm
by Echoplex
Those who wish to avoid spoilers look away!
Spathi wrote:
Echoplex wrote:
Sure, this should help.
As for the tomb key well thats part of a secret found in the main castle hub. Ill give you a hint, read the text in the library area where you find the stone.
I still have the tomb key
I did the left levers, got whatever was upstairs, and left with the right leavers down? Did I miss something? (the last line about illusions made no sense to me).

What is blocked with force fields is the conduit teleport, and the masters room teleport.
Answers below
After you get the gem, flip all the switches down on the right side. Huff it over to the opposite side of the castle where the halls of illusions are and turn around. If done correctly, a secret wall would have opened and all gates would be down. Take the tomb key there.
as for the teleporter
Its not for the player. Its merely there to communicate to the player the master of the castle has direct access to the conduit.The masters room can be accessed once you pay a visit to the personal collection of his and retrieve something.

Re: Princes of Pale Moon

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 7:21 pm
by hyppyp
Well I _do_ have the tomb key (only key I have) but no door to open. Roamed the castle but need different keys to proceed.
Where to use the tomb key? How do I proceed?

Re: Princes of Pale Moon

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 9:42 pm
by Echoplex
hyppyp wrote:Well I _do_ have the tomb key (only key I have) but no door to open. Roamed the castle but need different keys to proceed.
Where to use the tomb key? How do I proceed?
Hi Hyppyp, answer to that question is right above your post.
After you get the gem, flip all the switches down on the right side. Huff it over to the opposite side of the castle where the halls of illusions are and turn around. If done correctly, a secret wall would have opened and all gates would be down. Take the tomb key there.

Re: Princes of Pale Moon

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 12:30 am
by hyppyp
Ok, back again. Used the Tomb Key and the crystals, cleared the Halls of Twilight, entered the Magister's Study, used the golf key to clear out a Conduit Relic Vault, now I am stuck again, without a key and a clue. Another hint would be nice :) Thanks in advance!

Re: Princes of Pale Moon

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 2:06 am
by Echoplex
hyppyp wrote:Ok, back again. Used the Tomb Key and the crystals, cleared the Halls of Twilight, entered the Magister's Study, used the golf key to clear out a Conduit Relic Vault, now I am stuck again, without a key and a clue. Another hint would be nice :) Thanks in advance!
Hi Hyppyp,

See the below, hopefully that will help.
You need to enter the Masters Chambers and go through the teleporter in his room. Theres two keys that come from the collection area of the tower. Did you get the key from the collection in the masters tower to enter the portal in the chambers?

Re: Princes of Pale Moon

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 2:06 pm
by hyppyp
No idea where to find the Master Chambers..... :(

Re: Princes of Pale Moon

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 3:41 pm
by Echoplex
hyppyp wrote:No idea where to find the Master Chambers..... :(
When you finish the Halls of Twilight, you will have the key for the Masters Tower which is back at the beginning of the castle area where you first walked in. In the Masters Tower there will be a long hallway followed by three teleporters, 2 available. The one on the right will have the key, then take the portal on the left to the private chambers which will lead to the Terrace.