Hello there,
I had some sleep, and it does not hurt anymore

, at least not my eyes. Though <singing> 'it hurts me deep inside', because seems like I will have to just wait for the patch. As I said before, I tested the game once again, I am sure that turning around causes the problem. What surprises me very much is how no one noticed this problem during beta? For example TotalBiscuit of YouTube who has this FOV obsession, he did not say anything this game giving a headache.
TiLT wrote:I just registered simply to add my voice to the chorus. I do have gradually worsening eyesight and my eyes do hurt slightly after watching 3D movies, but I never have any issues while playing games. Until Legend of Grimrock, that is. Pretty soon after I started playing it yesterday I could feel my eyes and head hurting. When I walked into the sunlight on my way to work this morning I could still feel it. There's something fishy going on here, and to me it's at its most obvious when I'm strafing along walls looking for secret buttons. I have never had any problems with motion sickness in games or movies.
Thank you very much, I have done pretty much the same. I would also feel it the most when I was looking around for secret buttons.
spfiota wrote:I was playing yesterday and I experienced extreme pain in my side. Long story short, I'm on dialysis now and waiting for a transplant match.
Pretty sure it was that damn vsync.
Here is doctor's diagnosis ^_^, the game was too enjoyable, you spent many hours leaning against plastic handle of your wheelchair. It is not a cancer.
DJK wrote:Would be happy to see any of the devs come in and post if it is possible to add a option to disable motion blur in a future update. If it's not, well though luck for us who suffer.. the majority does not.. but at least we know where we stand on the issue then

And the game itself looks good, so it's not "just to be critical" or anything..
Indeed, It would be nice to know if we should just abandon this cool game or patiently wait for patch.
Neil79 wrote:I'll say it again cause it was Missed last time...
Most of the time it's caused by an inner ear inbalance which is the problem I have, the brain all the time has to compensate for the irregular balance and usually it's fine, but because the game's movement and or motion blur is unnatural it means the brain is having to work extra hard to compensate, hence the headaches and sometimes sickness.
Before you BS me, this is exactly what the specialist told me at the time
Awhile ago I had quite serious ear infection. The inner part of my ear which manages balance was damaged, since then surroundings tend to 'wave' sometimes, so I understand you. It was about two years ago, and as I said this is the very first game. No bobbing or blur effects before caused this, what is so different in this game that builds this uncomfortable feeling?
sd1612 wrote:I had this problem with several games (Kingdoms of Amalur comes to mind, most recent).
Here is what helps for me:
Make sure I am in a well lit room. this is very important.
I put yellow sticky notes (2 on each side and 2 on top) around my monitor to help my brain register the border of my screen.
I need to wear my glasses (I dont have horrible eye sight, but I should wear them when playing games) or I will get nauseous with certain games.
Close my eyes for a few minutes and massage my eyeballs every so often.
Hope some of this will help for you sufferers as well.
Bloody hell, dude. I would rather try summoning the Ginyu Force than do this kind of complicated operations everytime I want to 'crawl' a bit.
I was posting a lot to set this thread in motion, seems like it was not necessary
