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Re: Welcome to the Grimrock2 subforum!

Post by Eleven Warrior »

To AH..

Now thats a better Skill Tree, 1 point to spend hmmmmm what do i spend it on??
Thats what i like, not automatic like you said in the post. Its good to use your brain to make a choice with what skills shoud be put up first.

I like the Leader skill thats cool. But players should not get to many Extra perks per level i think 1 point per 2 levels for morale, Str and willpower is ok where as you have it set for 1 point for every player every level, i think thats what you mean.. If that player is alive.. (Just my opinion)

Like the idea of a fighter being able to weild two weapons at once, in LOG2 will each attack use a differnt weapon each turn??

Last of all the over GUI looks very good and thought out well done guys i love it..

If its allowed like LOG1 you can find a rare items that allows the player to gain 1 or 2 extra skill points, like the Tome Of Armor etc... This Skill tree will also will allow more scope for modders, more control of experince etc.. I hope this makes sense it does to me LOL..

Damm now I cant wait to get my hands on this hot potatoe LOL.. GJ keep up the good work..
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Re: Welcome to the Grimrock2 subforum!

Post by petri »

To clarify, the Leadership skill grants +1 bonus to Strength and Willpower to party members and only one party member can get the skill and only once. So the bonus does not get bigger as you advance in levels.
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Re: Welcome to the Grimrock2 subforum!

Post by Eleven Warrior »

Hi petri how are you??

Yeah I get it now sorry my mistake there, I thought it was with every Level Up.. That's good to hear thank you for reply.. Man this new LOG2 is going to be awesome I can feel it LOL..
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Re: Welcome to the Grimrock2 subforum!

Post by Dandy »

Sol_HSA wrote:
Any idea when will be the release date?
"When it's done".

Although, we could take a more scientific method.

log(2) = 0,3010299956639811952137..

which means.. 30. 10. 2029!
Ah, Q2 of 2014. Thank you.

Probably already been asked, but in LOG2 will you be able to bash monsters with gates as in DM?
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Re: Welcome to the Grimrock2 subforum!

Post by BuzzJ »

Dandy wrote:
Sol_HSA wrote:
Any idea when will be the release date?
"When it's done".

Although, we could take a more scientific method.

log(2) = 0,3010299956639811952137..

which means.. 30. 10. 2029!
Ah, Q2 of 2014. Thank you.

Probably already been asked, but in LOG2 will you be able to bash monsters with gates as in DM?
I PRAY that doors in the middle of a square are added. This is doable in LOG1, but it is an unbelievable pain in the ass. Official workaround would be great. Doesn't even have to be a door, can be a trap of sorts.

Easiest way to do in LOG1 is as a pit trap connected to a teleporter-thingy that kills anything in that space. Or just a pit trap. Then simultaneously have it function as a blocker.

edit: of course thats a 1 hit kill, but relatively easy.
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Re: Welcome to the Grimrock2 subforum!

Post by Cleomenes »

This is clearly the wrong place for this, but I can't contact almost human any other way. I bought grimrock 2 as an advance offer today, and got a download and activation code. It appears to be grimrock 1. has this happened to anyone else, or am I making some sort of really stupid mistake?
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Re: Welcome to the Grimrock2 subforum!

Post by antti »

Cleomenes wrote:This is clearly the wrong place for this, but I can't contact almost human any other way. I bought grimrock 2 as an advance offer today, and got a download and activation code. It appears to be grimrock 1. has this happened to anyone else, or am I making some sort of really stupid mistake?
I sent you a private message :)
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Re: Welcome to the Grimrock2 subforum!

Post by Isaac »

antti wrote:
Cleomenes wrote:This is clearly the wrong place for this, but I can't contact almost human any other way. I bought grimrock 2 as an advance offer today, and got a download and activation code. It appears to be grimrock 1. has this happened to anyone else, or am I making some sort of really stupid mistake?
I sent you a private message :)
This happened to me too, and it's been five days with no reply from Humble Bundle's support.

I now have two unredeemed copies of Legend of Grimrock on my account ~but only one of these was an accident.
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