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Re: LotNR Project Official Thread [Open]

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 12:14 pm
by Neikun
Still a long while before play, I must say. Right now we're testing concepts that we'd like to us and building the game world.

Re: LotNR Project Official Thread [Open]

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 4:20 pm
by J. Trudel
Just an idea here, also I would like to contribute to the project. I think that having outsides maps would change the feel originally intended for LoG. A better approach in (in my opinion) would be to make a good use of the gui to link different "places". Anyone who played the old wizardry games would know what I speak about here.

For an exemple, you could be in a tavern represented by a still image where you can clic on different npc to hire new members for your party or find quests by interacting with npc. Then clicking on the tavern exit would bring you to an outside map where you can visit various places. All represented by images. At the top of the screen, an Icon could bring the quest menu that links to actual dungeons.

It's just an idea, but I think I would be far easier to do it this way and the quality would be far better. Outside maps are interesting, but it's not the best feature of LoG. LoG excel at providing an atmospheric dungeon crawler, if we "crawl" in towns using a square tiles moving style, the overall feel of the game would be lost.

Re: LotNR Project Official Thread [Open]

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 4:35 pm
by BuzzJ
I don't know. Games like Betrayal at Krondor had wide open outdoor areas, and it worked pretty well.

Re: LotNR Project Official Thread [Open]

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 5:19 pm
by msyblade
Trudel, it almost sounds like you're already developing with us (pm Neikun, he will get you set up if youd like to help). We have mechanics similar to what you are talking about in place already. There are town tiles, and forest tiles along with ALL custom dungeon tiles for us to play with. What you suggested is not far from what we are doing! It is an awesome experience working with multiple scripters/asset generators. When one of us has a cool idea, it seems that this team makes the impossible a reality within minutes. So far (what 2 weeks?) we have overcome:A Fast travel system, friendly AI, entirely new spell framework, importing/exporting entire party (Equipment and all) with saves, outdoors, pathfinding for npc's, "Quest" system, GUI interfaces, shops in town, taverns, inns, u name it. And on top of that, as many dungeons as we want in this world. (Yeah, a "Dungeon" here, is called a "quest".) We are actually at the point where this isn't going to be LotNR, it is going to be LotNR Episode 1. And yeah, episode 1 will be fully compatible with episode two, same party, same treasures, all kept persistent by these amazing modders. Perhaps this public forum wasn't the place to say all this, but what we have already accomplished together is so remarkable, I cannot keep it in! (Imagine this forum, if we were all working on the same project, and had each other at instant messaging whim to help troubleshoot.) And anyone with concerns about pulling off a believable outdoor area should flip to the previous page and see the pics. (Only 2 weeks, remember. :o )

Re: LotNR Project Official Thread [Open]

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 6:44 pm
by undeaddemon
yup - exactly what he said...

Re: LotNR Project Official Thread [Open]

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 7:32 pm
by Kuningas
I actually think I'd currently be more at home listed as a writer -- considering I've not got any mapmaking done since early December. I could've PM'd, but I think a public statement is better in this so I won't just sneakily switch roles.

Of course, I can map too if needed, but I lack inspiration of my own at the moment.

Also -- as far as the discussion about outside areas and dungeons goes, I kind of like the classic-clunky way of portraying outdoors, so I am for it, although I understand the worry still.

Re: LotNR Project Official Thread [Open]

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 10:10 pm
by LordGarth
For the map, Chaos mountain and Hex Margarth Mountain should be added and Hex Margath Mountain entrance will eventually lead to the underworld which will be my 3rd game.


Re: LotNR Project Official Thread [Open]

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 10:32 pm
by BuzzJ
Kuningas wrote:I actually think I'd currently be more at home listed as a writer -- considering I've not got any mapmaking done since early December. I could've PM'd, but I think a public statement is better in this so I won't just sneakily switch roles.

Of course, I can map too if needed, but I lack inspiration of my own at the moment.

Also -- as far as the discussion about outside areas and dungeons goes, I kind of like the classic-clunky way of portraying outdoors, so I am for it, although I understand the worry still.
Check out Ravenloft II : Stone Prophet

That game did outdoor areas AMAZINGLY

also you might get some ideas for the desert region. If I ever take a break from the captive wallset I'll probably volunteer to do desert/egyptian tileset, simply because of how amazing this game was.

Re: LotNR Project Official Thread [Open]

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 1:10 am
by Neikun
Hey guys, loving the feedback.

Trudel, we would love to have you on board. Go ahead and send me a private message with your Skype name. As Msyblade said, we have a fast travel system to work with. Outdoor levels can be present and exit into the fast travel system so not to force the player to walk allll the way from Uttermost to Kaelava. ;) That said, you just gave me an excellent idea that I will now relay to the team!

@Kuningas, I'll switch you over right away!

@BuzzJ The team would LOVE more Egyptian themed wallsets.
We're almost definitely going to use Merethif's Southern Temple wallset too. (

Re: LotNR Project Official Thread [Open]

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 5:03 am
by Neikun
Added a project status to the main post to let everyone know what we're working on.