antti wrote:One very simple way to handle the keys would be to do it the way we did it with the main dungeon. If you give out a key it must be used in order to proceed further in the dungeon. UNLESS it's a gold key, which were reserved for optional doors so it doesn't matter if the player decides to not use the key.
That's not 100% true. I have a round key on level 9 that could've been used in level 6 I think.
Oh right, I never thought of that. Yeah, you may consider that as an exception to the rule or a design bug then, if you wish.
There were a few minor "exploitation" moments in the original game. One that comes to mind is tossing a rock onto the plate in the "your grave" room with the skeleton warriors.
Komag wrote:There were a few minor "exploitation" moments in the original game. One that comes to mind is tossing a rock onto the plate in the "your grave" room with the skeleton warriors.
That one was by design, actually. I remember modifying the trap to support the player throwing an item on the plate instead of just disabling items triggering it. The players who can think more laterally can circumvent quite a few traps in the game.
But I'm sure that there's numerous places too where you can get stuck too if you intentionally try . I think that you could, for example, throw a key over a pit to an inaccessible place in a few occasions.
Agreed. I'm personally not to worried about loophole exploits. there are ways to eliminate excess keys and what not and tackling them will be part of the exercise for the community as a whole.
In the end all loopholes should end up being reported in time for correction for the FrankenDungeon 2012: Extended Edition to be (re)released in early 2013. then come next september.... we do this all over agian! possibly with a theme constraint or something. Who knows?
also we need to begin the framework on the intro/outro.
I believe a simple contributor list and a thanks for surviving the dungeon should suffice for the non extended edition... unless someone wants to put together these for the community... feel free to collaborate with others and put something together.
I also thought up a sort of Chapter select floor(block of floors) right at the beginning. it would be a long spiral hallway Lined with teleporters, beside each teleporter would be wall text stating the maker of the floor/floor section the teleporter takes you to. Of course the first teleporter would be stairs to the first dungeon.
As an additional thought; we have at our disposal the ability to assign party items, stats, skills, etc... we could potentially ask each creator to submit a list of what should be needed to beat a dungeon so that stepping into a portal bacially rolls an entire party with skills and enough equipment to beat the dungeon they are porting to.
antti wrote:
But I'm sure that there's numerous places too where you can get stuck too if you intentionally try . I think that you could, for example, throw a key over a pit to an inaccessible place in a few occasions.
This gets me thinking. Is it possible to have a pressureplate activated by a specific item? (lets say a key?) (Ooh, later we could draw a key shaped groove on it)
Or is it only able to be activated by all items?
Should be rather easy to check for the correct item with a lua script. The only issue I see is that when you throw another item on it, then the pressure plate would get stuck and not be able to get pressed by the "real" item.
function checkWhatActivated()
if == specific_item then
pressurePlateArea:getItem.ReturnToPlayerArea (or destroy the item instead)
hudPrint(pressurePlateArea:getItem.ID.." doesn't seem to be working here")
Montis wrote:Should be rather easy to check for the correct item with a lua script. The only issue I see is that when you throw another item on it, then the pressure plate would get stuck and not be able to get pressed by the "real" item.
i tihnk i remember a specific item pressure plate tihngy in the main game of grim rock.
Blichew wrote:This is one of the times I think it's a shame we don't have access to object classes definitions...
I think that using this workaround might give you what you need:
create normal pressure plate with activation by item only
connect to script and on activation run this function:
function checkWhatActivated()
if == specific_item then
pressurePlateArea:getItem.ReturnToPlayerArea (or destroy the item instead)
hudPrint(pressurePlateArea:getItem.ID.." doesn't seem to be working here")
a return to inventory and a not working sound would be a tad less punishing than outright item destruction...
I should have the opening floor ready to go in a week or so. It's just easier to show my ideas by letting you see them first hand than trying to describe them.