[WIP] Generations of Kings

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Re: [WIP] Generations of Kings

Post by olavimuff.ee »

In the dark castle idk what to do after this door with teleporters near walls. When I enter this room I see warning "invalid connector target: script_entity_192".

Is it bugged or any hint how to solve it? I saw another 6x6 room at west and tried to put items on floor like there were vases, but no luck.

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Re: [WIP] Generations of Kings

Post by Slava »

Hey! My bad! Use the command for the console:

Code: Select all

floor_trigger_299.floortrigger:addConnector("onActivate", "vampires", "telefrag")
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Re: [WIP] Generations of Kings

Post by olavimuff.ee »

I ended game, but some unsolved puzzles ...

a) Dark castle lvl1, cannot open gate under red marker. I think related with pressure plate under red marker, but no more blue undeads spawned. I think I lost one undead because he entered into red teleporter after previous undead used it (but not sure).


b) Earth trial area. I solved EARTH puzzle in the SE area, but no idea for next gate with 5 alcoves (south one). I should put potions into 5 alcoves?

c) In the cave, there is gate for "better times". As I sneaked around, it wont open, right? :D

d) Light tower, I can use path of light only from 1 side - from stairs. "My cup is already filled" means that I cant put anything into the bowl? I tried empty water flask, sadly I have spent small empty flask to try it. Idk where I got it nor how to spawn it.
Another though I had was put something related with dark, but idk what.

e) What to do with golden deity figure and fancy skull?

f) Frozen dungeon - I pressed button under red marker as last button in this area, but I didnt find what it did. I searched all places and no more doors opened.


g) Old tunnel - I got 5 torches under red marker. Should I do something with these?


h) In the mine I got instructions how to make explosives and how useful these are in the mine, but cannot use these nowhere (at least not in the mine area). A bit confusing information. Maybe a suggestion to make some paths which can be opened with bombs (like in Adrageron's Last adventure mod).
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Re: [WIP] Generations of Kings

Post by Slava »

a) Yes, the first time you had to get the undead to move on a different path. I'll think about giving the option to summon undead again.
b) The solution is similar. Outside the gate lay
you can only use gems or herbs.
c) Yes, this location is still in development
d) All correct. You can't give anything to the statue. This path only works one way.
The small empty flask is only used once at the water level.
e) the first one increases your “treasure found” statistic
the second one is for solo playthrough
f) this button opens the door in the middle in the room north east of the red marker.
g) no, it's just bandit supplies.
h) not quite right, it's the bomb making instructions and it's just information. But I will think about your suggestion.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
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Re: [WIP] Generations of Kings

Post by olavimuff.ee »

Thank you for answers.
Slava wrote: Sat Mar 01, 2025 3:47 pm a) Yes, the first time you had to get the undead to move on a different path. I'll think about giving the option to summon undead again.
Or teleporter disappears when any undead already used it.
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