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Re: Calling Shenanigans on the 12 hour finish people
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 12:57 pm
by Whisper
Pyros wrote:Unlike open ended RPGs, there's really not much to do in this besides playing the game. If you spend 30hours to solve the game, good for you, it doesn't mean anyone who can solve it in 15 rushed, but simply that they can solve puzzles faster than you, that's all there is. There's no need for walkthroughs at all to finish the game, and only a few puzzles/riddles are a bit weird. I finished the game in give or take 16-17hours(counting reloads, 12hours in the stats) the first time, and I had about 75% of the secrets, the only thing I had to look up was the very last puzzle of the game, and figured out that I actually did have all the pieces but I wasn't clicking the exact area on the screen I was supposed to(area which doesn't necessarily makes sense until you see the piece fits there). That was on normal.
I replayed the game on hardmode and finished with 100% in 8hours played(probably 9-10 with reloads). It's not a hard game by any means, combat is fairly easy once you get used to the movement and only a few of the puzzles I'd call challenging, with the vast majority of secrets being about scanning all the walls for buttons. Well all the walls that can have buttons, since not every wall can(I'm leaving it at that but you can skip 1/3 of the walls in the game because of it, which saves a lot of time, and I figured it out after a few hours only).
More importantly, what's with the self righteous attitude of slower gamers who feel that the way they play is the way people should play? Do you really care so much about your playstyle being validated or do you hate so much that some people are gonna be more objective focused than you are? What makes you able to tell other people how they should or should not play, especially when people who finish the game quickly experience just as much of the content as you did? Do you feel that your time is somehow worth more than someone's else based on the fact you take things slowly?
Also, why is there a relation between rushing and not experiencing all content? Who decided that if you play quickly and efficiently you also have to skip everything? They're not exclusive and you could easily say the same thing about people playing slowly, it's not because you take it slowly that you experience everything. It is more likely for people who rush to skip things, but it's certainly not a necessity.
Me, when i come to good restaurant i dont make sure i eat as fast as i can.
Maybe i am not efficient in eating in your eyes.
When playing such game as Grimrock, i dont play it to maximum efficiency and quickness. That's my play style. I dont judge your, how you play games or eat in restaraunts, so why you get suddenly all-defensive, chill.
Re: Calling Shenanigans on the 12 hour finish people
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 12:59 pm
by Sheep
The longer you take the higher level your characters can be. I completed the game with level 12 characters and now I'm doing a second play through and my characters are level 10 in level 6
Re: Calling Shenanigans on the 12 hour finish people
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 1:00 pm
by gasgas
You're maximum efficiency could be normal for other players, it's just a matter of point of view.
Re: Calling Shenanigans on the 12 hour finish people
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 1:15 pm
by Saice
gasgas wrote:You're maximum efficiency could be normal for other players, it's just a matter of point of view.
In all honestly I do not fell my 13 hour game time was all that efficient as play style. There was more then a few rage inducing moments that took up a large part of my play time and really I put points all over the place character skills. Honestly I am a vary casual player in games. I don't see 12 hours as a rush in any stretch of the imagination since thats just under an hour per floor. A floor that is at max 32x32 tiles in size. Most of them with about a dozen rooms or less. It is not like there was volumes of dialog to read through. And as a said I also don't think the OPs 30 hours is anything wrong with it either people go at there own pace.
Re: Calling Shenanigans on the 12 hour finish people
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 1:18 pm
by Kurgen
gasgas wrote:It's fun how some people keep saying 12-15 hours is like playing a race and rushing the game while the vast majority of players and me included actually took their time to complete this game, I didn't feel in a hurry, but I understand some people may just take longer to solve puzzles or just to figure out how to kill a difficult enemy. People that did it faster didn't hurry up the game, they were just luckier to find solutions sooner.
I agree, no way am I saying there should be a right / wrong amount of time to play it, but some folks do seem to aim to finish it as soon as possible, almost like a "FIRST POST!!11" claim.

Re: Calling Shenanigans on the 12 hour finish people
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 1:44 pm
by gasgas
The only thread complaining about how fast people play seems this one, save the achievement club one and another with the sole purpose of gathering statistics. But whatever. I doubt anybody only wanted to be as fast as he can, nor I seem to understand it from what people write.
Re: Calling Shenanigans on the 12 hour finish people
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 3:28 pm
by Goffmog
I'm on level 4 and have played about 5 hours (according to steam) Given the awesomeness of the game and everything I've read about it not being that long, I've been taking it slow (not playing it too often) to savour it. Have had companions die several times and tracked back to resurrection points. Playing in old school on normal and not making maps, been scouring the walls obsessively but sure I've missed a few secrets. Please tell me I'm still miles away from the end.
Re: Calling Shenanigans on the 12 hour finish people
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 3:35 pm
by Kurgen
You are.

Re: Calling Shenanigans on the 12 hour finish people
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 4:53 pm
by dark
urughak wrote:Seriously- I think the kiddos claiming to have done speedruns through this game in 12 hours out of the gate after release are full of shit. Number one, why would you? I mean i understand theres weirdos who think that this is somehow cool, but really? Two- no...huh uh....not all the figuring character skills, restarts, banging into the puzzles, and combat. Sorry no. Sure, I've been taking it easy and enjoying and restarted a few times from figuring out character/class stuff, but im 30ish hours in and on level 4 and 5.

It might be possible to speed rush the game in that time, but I’ll guarantee you they did not find each and every little secret or figure out the optional puzzles.
And besides, anyone trying to play through the game at that pace is just depriving themselves of the game.
Re: Calling Shenanigans on the 12 hour finish people
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 5:14 pm
by Intruder313
I am calling "shenanigans" on the OP.
When I first heard about the game (1-2 weeks before launch) I was told it was an 8-10 hour playtime so when I personally went over this mark I just thought it a sign that I was playing at my normal slow pace trying to take everything in.
I continued to take it slowly because I like to get the most of out of everything and still completed it in perhaps 13 hours (I'll check tonight) then restarted on Hard.
I've been a gamer since the dawn of gaming (we had a ZX81 and onwards) and a massive fan of Dungeon Master so this game was mostly a breeze for me (I predicted and solved some puzzles before they were even presented to me!) but I'd not be surprised if people have done it in quite a bit under 12 hours.
As a counterpoint I gave up on Skyrim after 80 hours playing just Act 1 (I want to do EVERY quest) but a mate's son completed the GAME the day he got it (and people have done it in 2 hours).
This reminds me though, I forgot to activate it on Steam for achievements - they don't matter a bit but I like to see the odd one pop up.